Tuesday, July 04, 2023

Miss Cellania's Links

Moyenne Island is the Smallest National Park in the World. But it's well worth a visit. (via Nag on the Lake

Man Who Saved Skier’s Life by Traversing Chairlift Cable and Cutting Him Free to be Awarded Carnegie Medal. (via Fark)

Women Who Write While Lying on their Stomachs. Merrill Markoe knows how impossible this is. (via Boing Boing)

Eight Menacing Saber-Toothed Creatures That Stalked the Earth Long Ago. 

How Things Are Done at Old John’s Luncheonette. It will make you hungry.

Spirit Halloween Unveils Their New Animatronics for 2023.

‘Colorizers’: When Ted Turner and Hollywood Clashed Over Colorizing Classic Movies.

John Fogerty's Mansion is On the Market. It's quite the place.

Winning by a Hair: Why Tour de France Cyclists Shave Their Legs. (via Metafilter)


Bicycle Bill said...

I shaved my legs, too, but it wasn't for aerodynamic purposes (when you're built like I am, you've got more problems than just wind resistance!).  I found that I would get more benefit from a post-ride massage (the masseuse said it was easier for her to work on me, too), and on those infrequent occasions when I did fall and incur a case of road rash, there was no hair to get ground into the wound or to hinder bandaging the injury.


Bicycle Rider said...

AH, The Rules. I remember the first time I encountered them I laughed. As I read beyond the first few, I realized I followed most of these, or at least I use to and laughed even more. They are just common sense. I never shaved my legs because my legs are practically hairless, but I encountered lots of cyclists who would have benefited from a razor. My competitive days are behind, but I still stick with many of the rules. A few years ago my wife amended rule #12. (optimum number of bikes is n + 1, where n = current number of bikes) to n = n.

Then there are the rules rewritten:


xoxoxoBruce said...

Objections to “Women who write while lying on there stomachs” may be valid, I don’t know. But the pictures used don’t help Merrill’s point. A woman lying face down holding a phone, wine, or empty handed isn’t writing, she’s watching/reading which a more common activity for most people. She also claims the women with pen in hand are looking at blank pages when most of them are clearly not blank on a 24” screen. She probably was rushing hoping to sneak in a 4 day weekend this July 4th so must be forgiven in the spirit of the holiday.

Oh, and unlike Jef, real men die with hairy legs.