Friday, July 07, 2023

Miss Cellania's Links

Archaeologists may have found ruins of fabled entrance to Zapotec underworld. Spanish missionaries deemed Lyobaa to be a "back door to hell" and sealed all entrances. (via Damn Interesting

Meet the President’s Daughter, a “Wild Animal That Had Been Put Into Good Clothes.”    

Vote for the Stuck at Prom Scholarship Competition! That's for high school students who made their prom attire from duct tape. (via Boing Boing)

The World's Largest Wall Mural.

Seven Amazing Accomplishments the James Webb Telescope Achieved in Its First Year.

Fisher’s Ghost: How a Ghost Helped Solve His Own Murder.

What’s a dead give away you grew up poor?

Finding Gravesites For Others, And Other Obscure Hobbies That Won't Break Your Bank This Summer.

The fight for women’s suffrage is often depicted as pitting women against men. But some women made it their life’s mission to campaign against it. (via Damn Interesting)


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Those duct tape outfits are so good they should ALL win!

Miss Cellania said...

I agree, they are all great. The top ten finalists have already won a guaranteed $500; they are now competing for the $10K.

$500 doesn't seem like a lot, but every little bit helps. Just ask my daughter, who is $100K in the hole, and is still applying for (and sometimes getting) tiny scholarships to help her through this last year.

gwdMaine said...

My bank account is a constant reminder that I'm safe from identity theft. But more to the point, scrambled eggs mixed with cut up wieners for supper. Also pasteurized process american cheese. -shudder- 🤮

Happy Friday Miss C!

Miss Cellania said...

Happy Friday, gwdMaine!

xoxoxoBruce said...

Jennifer Mason’s article on Alice Roosevelt was interesting although it gives the impression her hijinks were attributed to her high spirit and lack of parental guidance. I think it rests squarely on wealth. It was well written except for “baited” breath. LoL

That huge mural in Rio looks like they were using a grid of squares to guide them but didn’t show the grid put on over the base coat.

The Webb telescope helped contribute to the technology of designing / deploying space gear and give us better information about the universe and earth history. However, could the $10 Billion dollars have been better spent improving the future of the Earth (us) in ways we already know we can?
I find it helpful to think of dollars as seconds...
1 Million seconds = 11 days, 13 hours, 46 minutes.
1 Billion seconds = 32 years.
1 Trillion seconds = 31,688 years.

You need a go-fund-me for the girl.