Saturday, January 04, 2020

Tweet of the Day


WilliamRocket said...

You know you Americans have the right to vote, hey ?

Bicycle Bill said...

Yes we do.  Unfortunately, we also have to let the knuckleheads vote too.

Miss Cellania said...

I haven't missed an election since 1976. Unfortunately, how much your vote counts, or whether it counts at all, depends on where you live.

WilliamRocket said...

Yes. Weird how that works, even here in New Zealand, a country with a ... shall we say a slightly better reputation for political purity than the U.S.A. (sorry) ... we had, a few years ago now, a very rich, money grabbing, back stabbing, young girl's hair touching, so called prime minister (John Key was his name) voted in to office by a lot of misleading adverts and a very gullible public.
These days we have a woman Prime Minister who has a heart AND a brain, and having her as P.M. makes a lot of us here happy.
But we are starting to follow the American way wherein them with the money get to have the bigger adverts and, ... well, you know how people can be swayed, don't you, ... you saw it happen with Trump.

-By the by, I in no way would have wanted little miss big mouth Clinton to be captain of your ship.
-Bernie Sanders would have been/would be the way to go, better for the people.

-A bit long winded, but a world view of US politics from someone exotic and politically untrained, lol.

YetAnotherDave said...

The liberal left lynch mob appears to be terribly disappointed that Trump correctly assessed Iran's missile attack as a face-saving measure, and that war in the middle east is not imminent.