Thursday, January 02, 2020

Miss Cellania's Links

Marking Up the New Calendar. You may be surprised to learn all the oddities of the calendar coming.

Harry Houdini and the Spirit Lover: A Tale With a Twist.

Elizabeth Rona, the Wandering Polonium Woman. Scroll down past the article to find links to more stories of the women of science. (via Damn Interesting)

Mormon women are caught between economic pressures and the word of God. “The point of Mormon women going to college is to find a spouse, period.”

Plans for the Trump Presidential Library.

Australian Bushfires are Big Enough to Generate Their Own Weather. (via Digg)

The Important Pundits vs. Anti-Semitism.

From plastic bags to natural hair, here are the new laws coming in 2020.

14 of the Greatest Breaks in Comedy History. When even the actors break down laughing, we all have to.  (via Digg)

A blast from the past (2012): Messing with Mother Nature: The Macquarie Island Ecosystem.


Bicycle Bill said...

re: the new laws —
The Crown Act makes it illegal to enforce dress code or grooming policies against hairstyles such as afros, braids, twists and locks.  "This law protects the right of black Californians to choose to wear their hair in its natural form, without pressure to conform to Eurocentric norms," state Sen. Holly Mitchell said earlier this year.

Excuse me, but since when is braiding, twisting, locks (dreadlocks), or teasing hair into a huge puffy Afro "natural"?  Not to mention that in some African cultures hair is sometimes 'groomed' with a mixture of mud and dung. Can Californians expect that to become part of the new 'natural'?

I think the word the framers of the law wanted was "cultural", not necessarily "natural".


Anonymous said...

The greatest breaks:
I had only seen the Carol Burnett/Tim Conway sketch before. but before I had finished, I was I was in tears. Thanks for the link and a happy new year.