Sunday, January 13, 2019

Squad Leader TD-73028 Soliloquy

A stormtrooper has suffered a battle loss and is contemplating what it all means in this award-winning Shakespearean Star Wars fan film from Maxime-Claude L'Écuyer. Be warned, the disturbing content prompted io9 to post the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline number (800-273-8255) with this video.


hearsetrax said...

humph interesting video, but I still will never understand those that would commit suicide

Miss Cellania said...

My heart cannot understand it, but my brain knows that a suicidal person doesn't see any other end to their suffering. We need to show them that there is another way.

xoxoxoBruce said...

Why do you think he killed himself and not that he took off the helmet, and throwing in down is disgust, vowed to avoid conflict and move to a temple in Tibet?

Suicide looks different to the alone and unlovable.
An escape from the unbearable loneliness, a shortcut to bypass the pain which ends up at the same place you're going to anyway.

Miss Cellania said...

Bruce, seeing him put the gun in his mouth, and then hearing a shot. That leads me to think he killed himself.