Tuesday, January 31, 2017


Star Wars Titles

R.I.P. Arbroath

In an interview years ago, Alex Santoso of Neatorama was asked what he considered the most important blog on the internet. He replied that it was Nothing To Do With Arbroath ("of course!"). Sadly, we will no longer have that resource updated daily. 

The anonymous British blogger who only went by Kev quit his daily posting on November 24 due to poor health. He was eventually hospitalized and diagnosed with cancer. His many readers and fans wanted to help in some way, but Kev always guarded his privacy, and was too proud to accept help. He never revealed where he lived, or even his last name. His last post was on January 16. About a week ago his cousin in Canada left a comment that Kev had passed away.

The funeral notice for Kevin Norman Gray has now been posted. We will miss him.

Seth Myers on Trump's Travel Ban

Myers didn't have the example of the 5-year-old American citizen who was detained for four hours while his mother waited for his arrival. American citizen. Five years old.

One thing that I noticed yesterday as the newspeople on TV talked with Trump supporters is how absolutely terrified they are of refugees, or any foreigners. No wonder they feel the need for guns, they're just plain afraid. So the terrorist have already won. How can one go through life so fearful of anyone that's unfamiliar? Yeah, Trump fueled that fear as much as he could to get elected, but that doesn't make it real (quite the opposite).  

Refugees are coming from dangerous countries. You know what? That's why they are coming -to get away from the danger!

What the Bible says about refugees.

And then there's this.

Miss Cellania's Links

Name That American Island. They're quite diverse, and each has a story.

Yassin Terou left Syria and settled into Knoxville, Tennessee without knowing anyone. Now he is friends with everyone. (via Metafilter)

Trump Advisor Stephen Miller, The Architect Of The Muslim Ban, Has Ties To White Supremacists And Neo-Nazis. Steve Bannon isn't the only one infesting the executive branch.

How Author Timothy Tyson Found the Woman at the Center of the Emmett Till Case. (via Metafilter

Improbable Research was surprised to read that Donald Trump won an Ig Nobel Prize. That's one of those "alternative facts" we hear so much of lately.

The Anime Snowmen of Japan. (via Everlasting Blort)

Libertas Shrugs. An open letter from Zach Weinersmith.

Funny or Die's Guide To Who You Are Supposed To Tip And How Much. Obviously gleaned from personal experiences.

“Thirteen” going on “30 Something”: Growing up according to pop music. There's a song for every age of the music-buying public.

Is it really OK to never get your period? If you're pregnant, that's expected, but skipping period with birth control pills will cause doctors to look at you funny. 


(via Buzzfeed)

Playing with Food

I have an ongoing project to make posts for mental_floss articles I wrote way back when that I do not have an archive for. Here's another one: a list of some of the best food artists and how they make food look like something else.  

Monday, January 30, 2017

Nominative Determinism

Airport Protest

(via reddit)

11 Unusual Footraces

Putting a different spin on a footrace is a great way to grab publicity, draw runners and spectators, and have a lot of fun. Those things are particularly important when a race is a charity fundraiser. Read about are a few races that go the extra mile, so to speak, to stand out, in a list I posted at mental_floss. 

Tweets of the Day

Maybe Spicer didn't read it closely enough. (via Uproxx)

Miss Cellania's Links

The Worst Bosses in History.

How Steve Bannon Took Charge Of The Trump Administration.

How U.S. Senators have responded the the Muslim Ban.

The Secret History of the First Cat in Space.

7 Strange Mysteries of World War One.

Humans Almost Drove These 6 Animals To Extinction. But We Saved Them Instead.

56 Video Game Movies Currently in Development. Not all of them will make it to the screen.

The Priest Turned Media Mogul Who Stirred Up a Populist Frenzy. Father Charles Coughlin harnessed the power of radio for his pro-fascist views.

Do Big Cats Freak Out Over Laser Pointers Like House Cats? It depends on how big they are.

19 Snapchats That Are Too Wholesome To Be True. They're still amusing, or even downright funny.

Know Your Citrus. You might even want to try a new kind.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

I Think I Might Have an Anniversary Coming

If 9 years and 12 months means anything....

Easy Rider 2017

Joel and Ethan Coen directed a Super Bowl ad that's being touted as a sequel to the 1969 movie Easy Rider. The bikers are a bit older… actually, they're a lot older, but some things never change, like the Steppenwolf song. Yep, definitely a sequel, as we find out what became of Peter Fonda 48 years later. Looks like he did well. Let's see: Coen Brothers, Peter Fonda, Super Bowl. Can you imagine how much this ad cost? Eh, Mercedes can afford it. (via Tastefully Offensive)

Miss Cellania's Links

This is a special political edition, due to the circumstances of the last couple of days.

Where Do Terrorists Come From? Source: The Cato Institute.

Countries Listed On Trump's Refugee Ban Don't Include Those He Has Business With.

Here Are The Brave Soldiers Trump Just Banned From America.

Oscar nominee Asghar Farhadi won't be able to attend the Academy Awards ceremony because of the ban. 

Those who hold green cards and valid visas and were out of the country this weekend can't get back in to the U.S. Some are missing school or work. Some can't return to their families here. 

A 5-year-old American boy was detained temporarily because he was traveling home from Iran.

Other Americans and their non-American parents are affected. 

Many people who hold dual citizenship are also banned from entering the U.S.

It's affecting people who just need to travel through the U.S.

Here are pictures from the immediate protests at airports around the country.

You need to read the replies to this Tweet -just click on the date stamp. So far, he's donating over $3,000.

Tweet of the Day

Senator Elizabeth Warren speaking at Boston Logan Airport just a few hours ago, protesting the travel ban our current administration has imposed on certain immigrants, refugees, and even visitors with valid visas.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Circular Slip 'n' Slide

Thursday was Australia Day, and as always, there were plenty of summertime fun celebrations. In Canberra, this epic circular slip 'n' slide makes us all wish we lived Down Under. Jake River Henderson Fraser caught this video.
Redditor owenob1 tells us more about the contraption.

EDIT: Phil the creator will be on Today Show, Sunday morning.

Some information:

This is an annual event with a new machine each year. I'm told this is the 4-5th year.

It took about 7 days to design and engineer (and built).

This was made from scratch and not actually a Hills Hoist.

The entire centre pipe is pumped full of water to provide to the hoses.

The rig has 3 speeds, this is number 1... the others were deemed too unsafe.

There is an operator who sits and awaits a thumbs up.

Ordinary dishwashing liquid is used of the black sheeting.

When you fall off it hurts - ALOT.
Meanwhile, those of us in the Northern Hemisphere can stay inside in our winter pajamas and dream of such fun. (via reddit)

Neighborhood Signs

(via reddit)

Tweet of the Day

The second film of the new Star Wars trilogy got a name this past week. The extrapolations have begun. (via Metafilter)

Test Results

The Woman's March on Washington, Barrow, Alaska Edition

People all over the world participated in the Women's March on Washington, and not just in the U.S. Maybe you've seen the pictures. The residents of Utqiagvik, Alaska (formerly Barrow) were not going to be left out, even though the temperature was -16F. Kirsten Alburg was there to capture some video of the world's northernmost protest march from January 21, 2017. (via Everlasting Blort)

Friday, January 27, 2017

Remember the Number

David Bowie's First TV Appearance

In 1964, David Bowie (then David Jones) was the 17-year-older leader of the band The Manish Boys. To gain publicity, his father came up with a stunt. They concocted an organization called the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Long-Haired Men. That garnered the band an appearance on the BBC show Tonight. Here is that show from November 1964. It's good to see Bowie as an everyday longhaired British teenager. If the host had known where young David's career would take him, he would have been even more scandalized. (via Boing Boing)

A Peculiar Breakfast

An elderly, but hardy cattleman from Texas once told a young female neighbor that if she wanted to live a long life, the secret was to sprinkle a pinch of gunpowder on her oatmeal each morning. She did this religiously and lived to the age of 103.

She left behind 14 children, 30 grandchildren, 21 great-grandchildren, five great-great-grandchildren and a 40 foot hole where the crematorium used to be.

Older Than Dirt

Miss Cellania's Links

13 Things You Didn't know about The Dick Van Dyke Show.

Adrenaline Tattoo in Vancouver has the best marquee messages.

The Science and Security Board of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists have released their 2017 Doomsday Clock Statement. Read the full statement here. (via Metafilter)

The Countries with the Most Volcanoes, and an interactive map. (via the Presurfer)

The Cutest Twitter War Ever.

15 Awfully Big Facts About The Mary Tyler Moore Show.

How The Spiders From Mars embraced fashion during Bowie’s Ziggy Stardust era.

After World War II, between 30,000 and 50,000 American GIs married Japanese women. To prepare these brides for life in the US, the American Red Cross opened "bride schools" to teach them what they would need to know to fit in as an American housewife.

Beauty Gets a Makeover

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Wedding Gifts

The Netherlands Welcomes Trump in His Own Words

Our current president has made it clear that he's an isolationist, so Netherlands has taken the bull by the horns and made a video to reach out to the current administration. And they designed it specifically to appeal to you-know-who.

Of course, it's comedy. The Netherlands real-life response to our current administration is better told here. (Thanks, gwdMaine!)

Tweet of the Day

Dick Van Dyke talked to The Hollywood Reporter about Mary Tyler Moore. (via Uproxx)

Miss Cellania's Links

Plucked from Obscurity: Killer Clothes.

How much would you pay for your right to protest?

The Death Star and the Final Trench Run. It didn't happen the way you think it did. (via Metafilter)

From Hospital Gowns to Paper Couture: The Unlikely Origins of '60s Disposable Dresses. Don't miss the gallery of groovy dresses at the end.

In 1915, a small band of warriors from a remote part of Georgia clad in medieval armor rode into the capital of Tiflis, reporting for military duty, stating: "We hear there's a war." (via reddit)

There used to be 4 billion American chestnut trees, but they all disappeared.

The Magic Flute Told in Cat GIFs. (via Metafilter)

Next: A march on Washington to support science. Get updates here.

Everything's Okay

(via Fark)

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Meanest Mother in Wyoming

Train Travel

(via reddit)

A Bad Lip Reading of Donald Trump's Inauguration

I have been avoiding posting anything about the inauguration, but this is funny. Bad Lip Reading took footage from the ceremonies and other events around it and took their best guess at what was said. Some of it is their normal nonsense, but some makes plenty of sense, particularly the back-and-forth between Obama and the new administration, even though it's probably not what was said. (via Uproxx)

7 Fun Cold Weather Activities Beyond Snowmen

When the mercury drops down below freezing, you might be tempted to stay inside, but what's the fun in that? Snow, ice, and freezing temperatures may be hard on your heating bill, but there are plenty of fun things to do outside, as explained in this list I posted at mental_floss. Just make sure to dress warmly, beware of walking on slippery ice, and take breaks to warm up inside.

Do Not Want

Playing on Thin Ice

Look, the water is completely covered in ice -wonder if it will hold my weight? Let's find out! This would be an everyday "thin ice" video if it weren't for the laughter. The woman recording can't stop laughing long enough to help her buddy out of the water, but somehow is able to continue recording. (via reddit)

Miss Cellania's Links

13 Geeky Engagement Ring Boxes.

What Trumpcare will look like. (via Boing Boing)

The Most Insane Airplane Horror Stories from Jalopnik Readers. A compendium of travel misery.

7 True Crimes Solved By Twists Too Ridiculous For Network TV.

Puppies Rescued from Buried Hotel.

The Myth of the Damsel on the Railroad Tracks.

Russia’s parliament voted overwhelmingly on Wednesday to decriminalize domestic violence.

The 12-Year-Old Who Fought In the Civil Wars. 

Chocolate Lab

(via Fark)

Tuesday, January 24, 2017


My Girlfriend

(via reddit)

Miss Cellania's Links

Real-Life Horror Movie Locations.

Pictures From Women’s Marches on Every Continent. There are more linked in the Metafilter thread.  

The First Observations of Sea Ice Came From 8th-Century Irish Monks in Iceland. 

What's the worst sexual advice you've ever heard? The reddit thread answering this question is definitely NSFW. (via Uproxx)

The Hidden Room Behind Mount Rushmore.

The Creepy Religion That Explains All Of Trump's Actions.

The 2017 Razzie Nominations.

27 Pictures That Prove British Drunk People Are The Best Drunk People.

20 Geek Valentine's Day Cards Your Nerdy Sweetie is Sure to Love.

Animals That Only Bite Tourists

I have an ongoing project to make posts for mental_floss articles I wrote way back when that I do not have an archive for. Here's an early one that got a lot of mileage in its day. 

It's not always fun to introduce visitors to your local flora and fauna. Dealing with tourists can be a real chore. So the habit of pulling their legs a bit can be a welcome bit of fun. It goes on all over the world, so when you are traveling, be aware that there may be a bit of poking fun going on ...especially if you're told of a scary local animal to beware. Read about snipes, hodags, jackalopes, and more in this 2007 mental_floss post

Friday, January 20, 2017

Tweet of the Day

Shannon Downey's website is Seriously Badass Cross Stitch. She also runs Seriously Badass Woman. (via reddit)

Entering the Twilight Zone

You can make up your own caption, but I'd like to hear them.

Fired Up

Dan Fipphen and Elyse Kelly edited the animation styles of 12 different artists to illustrate a portion of a speech from President Obama. The speech is from 2016, and it references events from 2007. I will miss this man. (via the A.V. Club)

Miss Cellania's Links

A History of Pepsi Cola. Eddie Deezen has the story.

This is how American health care kills people. Matthew Stewart had insurance, but still owes $62,668.78 while he fights for his life.

A Definitive Ranking of Fast-Food French Fries.

Possible Consequences of Writing Poetry.

Speaking of poetry, My Name is Cow.

A Really Cool Collection Of Wintry Cosplay Photos

A Look Back at Some of the Worst, Wildest Inaugurations in Presidential History.


(via Fark)

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

The Good Old Days

This is from a New York newspaper some time in the 1950s. (via reddit)

Draw Something Nutritious

(via Fark)

Miss Cellania's Links

What’s Ailing Anakin (and Other Fictional Characters)?

The Straight Men Who Made America's First Gay Record

The Internet Can’t Stop Laughing at This Obamacare Hater Learning He Has Obamacare. I didn't laugh; I've heard it too many times before.

Hairy-Legged Vampire Bats Feast on Human Blood.

Welcome to Beautiful Parkersburg, West Virginia. Until DuPont came to town and poisoned everyone.

What Are Dogs Really Thinking About?

Xeni Jardin of Boing Boing talks about the her cancer and the Affordable Care Act.

The Promise of New Painkillers.

This 19th-Century Book Chronicles Victorians' Strange Cat Fears And Fascinations.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Han Sulu

(via Fark)

The Secret of Star Wars Fandom

I have an ongoing project to make posts for mental_floss articles I wrote way back when that I do not have an archive for. Here's one I'm particularly proud of, from 2007. The secret of the Star Wars fandom is that Star Wars fans love to hate Star Wars. It might not be so true in 2017. 

Monday, January 16, 2017


Miss Cellania's Links

Orion, the Man Who Would Be Elvis. Or at least, that's what the record company wanted us to think. 

Donald Trump, the Dunning-Kruger President. Even Dr. Dunning thinks so. (And for those who've seen Idiocracy, President Camacho was actually smarter than the citizens he led, because he at least realized that he wasn't smart.)

A rather sweary roundup of the way cats are.

10 Humongous Plot Holes in the Star Wars Franchise. On the other hand, if Disney decided to make a movie to fill each plot hole, they might end up being worth it. 

The presidential inauguration summed up in one image.

Silent Film GIFs Reveal the Special Effects Tricks of Early Cinema. The effort was worth it, as audiences were amazed.

The Simpsons: How "Bart the Genius" Changed the TV Landscape. It wasn't supposed to be the series' first episode, but it was perfect.

A 29-Year-Old Mayor Shares Insights of Holding Office. And advice on how you can get into an elected position.

22 American Food Quirks that the French Think Are Super Weird. We know they're weird, but some of them are quite delicious.

U.S. Public Schools Are Suspending Millions of Students, With Little Reward. It eliminates the problem, but those problems are real students. 

How to Brew Tea

Those Brits certainly take their tea seriously. This tutorial on proper tea-making is from 1941, which explains why they had to make hot tea with milk and sugar in vats for servicemen. Americans consume a lot of tea, too, but we do it quite differently. My husband drinks sweet ice tea, which I make up in gallons ahead of time. No milk, but plenty of sugar and lemon juice. I drink tea all afternoon and evening, after the coffee is gone. I use fancy but cheap tea bags and heat the water in the microwave. Steeping for 3-5 minutes would leave it too cold to drink! Also, I just drink tea. No sugar, no milks. Unless its masala chai, but that's a rare treat. (via I Have Seen the Whole of the Internet)

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Lieutenant Crunch

(via reddit)


I've got to stop reading internet forums. I recall ten years ago when we celebrated the 30th anniversary of Star Wars. A co-worker told me she really enjoyed it as a kid. I said, yeah, I was in college when Star Wars came out. She said, oh, she never saw it in a theater. She watched it on DVD. As a kid.

It's not getting any better. Today I saw someone say that Orcs gave them nightmares when he was a kid. What? The Lord of the Rings movies didn't even start until 2001. That was …16 years ago. Huh. I guess I am officially elderly.