Tuesday, March 03, 2015

Unskippable GEICO Ad

It’s just an ad -at least the first 12 seconds. But after that is when the fun begins! That’s a good dog. NOT. (via Daily Picks and Flicks)


Craig L. said...

But then, wasn't this the running joke at the end of each episode of "Police Squad", the predecessor to Leslie Nielsen's "Naked Gun" series? The standard police procedural's denouement with somebody making a joke at the end, everybody laughs and FREEZE FRAME... except it's not really a freeze frame, it's just the actors holding their often awkward positions while something else goes on to reveal the not-a-freeze-frame of it. The best one was when they had a suspect in custody, did the fake freeze with all the cops but not the suspect, who was at first confused but before the end of the credits had used the opportunity to escape.

Miss Cellania said...

YES! That's what it reminds me of... I knew I'd seen this kind of thing before, but I couldn't recall where. Thanks!