(via Bad Newspaper)
Saturday, February 28, 2015
This is the 1972 documentary about evangelist Marjoe Gortner. If you’ve never seen it, you’re in for a real treat. Read more about the film at Dangerous Minds.
full-length feature of the day
The Same Dress
Webcomic artist Liz Climo used the debate about the dress colors perfectly for her animal characters. See more of her work here, and see more funny memes about the dress at Neatorama.
His First Toothbrush
Downton Funk
Once more, we have proof that whether something blends or not matters less than whether you can make a pub out of the titles. Yet this one works on other levels as well. Downton Abbey meets “Uptown Funk” in this mashup from College Humor. (via Tastefully Offensive)
Friday, February 27, 2015
Spock’s Funeral
An emotional scene from the 1982 movie The Wrath of Khan. Rest in peace, Leonard Nimoy.
R.I.P. Mr. Spock
A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP
— Leonard Nimoy (@TheRealNimoy) February 23, 2015
"I loved him like a brother. We will all miss his humor, his talent, and his capacity to love." -William Shatner http://t.co/U8ZN98tVYp
— William Shatner (@WilliamShatner) February 27, 2015

Why People See a Different Colored Dress
Now that everyone is arguing over the color of a dress, AsapSCIENCE steps in to explain how people perceive and interpret colors differently. First impressions can be confusing, while knowledge that comes later can fill in some of the gaps. The upshot is that brain is an amazing organ that sifts through both information we have and information we don’t have to make sense of the world around us. (via Tastefully Offensive)
It Looks Like You’re Trying to Accessorize…
Would you like help? Yeah, it’s funny, but as soon as you admit that you
get the joke, you’ve dated yourself. Adding googly eyes to a paperclip
evokes recollections of Clippy, the annoying virtual assistant in Microsoft Office applications sold from 1997 to 2003. Furbyfresse uploaded this picture and said her boyfriend made earrings for her. (via Fail Blog)
Miss Cellania's Links
Excuse me, what color is this dress?
How net neutrality proponents beat Comcast and the GOP.
12 Facts You Might Not Know About Babe Ruth.
What happens when you throw a teenager into an adult prison? It’s not easy to even read about.
When it gets so cold the ocean starts to freeze, you get The Slurpee Waves of Nantucket. (via Metafilter)
Five Things Alice in Wonderland Reveals About the Brain. (via Digg)
Americans Think Geniuses Are Men: Inside Our Contradictory Attitudes On Brilliance.
The 50 Best Movies About Hollywood. You can’t go wrong if you go with what you know the best.
10 Cool Things About Neil deGrasse Tyson. The title of “Sexiest Astrophysicist” is only the beginning.
The Lion of Gripsholm Castle. How a poor taxidermy job became an international sensetion.
How net neutrality proponents beat Comcast and the GOP.
12 Facts You Might Not Know About Babe Ruth.
What happens when you throw a teenager into an adult prison? It’s not easy to even read about.
When it gets so cold the ocean starts to freeze, you get The Slurpee Waves of Nantucket. (via Metafilter)
Five Things Alice in Wonderland Reveals About the Brain. (via Digg)
Americans Think Geniuses Are Men: Inside Our Contradictory Attitudes On Brilliance.
The 50 Best Movies About Hollywood. You can’t go wrong if you go with what you know the best.
10 Cool Things About Neil deGrasse Tyson. The title of “Sexiest Astrophysicist” is only the beginning.
The Lion of Gripsholm Castle. How a poor taxidermy job became an international sensetion.
9 Remarkable Ultrasound Images
It has become commonplace for pregnant women to undergo ultrasonography, or medical sonography, to check the physical health and progress of their unborn baby. A side benefit of sonography is the ability to detect the baby’s sex before birth. And the images, called sonograms or ultrasounds, became a child’s first baby picture. These are often shared with family, friends, and the internet, even if the baby is hard to decipher by untrained eyes. Sometimes those mysterious images invite pareidolia, which is our human tendency to see familiar shapes among the unfamiliar. See some examples of the strange things seen in obstetric ultrasound images in a list I posted at mental_floss.
Thursday, February 26, 2015
YouTube 10th Anniversary Supercut
If you liked the 16-minute tribute to YouTube on its 10th anniversary, you’ll like this one better. If you didn’t like the earlier video, you’ll probably like this one. It’s got clips from 198 different viral videos crammed into only three minutes! And best of all, it was edited by Zapatou (Luc Bergeron), a master at sorting, categorizing, and editing clips into a work of art. (via Tastefully Offensive)
Miss Cellania's Links
Further Advances in Miscreant Trapping. Truly odd patents for nabbing criminals.
Here’s a compilation of parkour failures. Do not watch unless you are ready for both pain and profanity.
13 More Marvelous Star Wars Home Goods.
A job opening for a library director has raised concern in librarians circles because the pay is $7.25 an hour. That’s because it’s in eastern Kentucky. (via Metafilter)
Flying drones over the lava lake at Ambrym’s Marum Crater. Just getting close enough to control the drone took real guts -and special protective clothing.
This man and his owl prove best friends come in all shapes and sizes. I don’t know if you can litter train an owl, but you certainly would have no more rodent problem.
Godzilla Will Make Sure You Get a Good Night’s Sleep in This Japanese Hotel. The Hotel Gracery opens in April with a couple of rooms featuring the mutant lizard at your service.
An Elephant Found The Man Who Saved Him 26 Years Ago And Their Reunion Is So Sweet. Because an elephant never forgets.
18 Stories From High School That Will Give You Secondhand Embarrassment. A few might even gross you out.
This man and his owl prove best friends come in all shapes and sizes. I don’t know if you can litter train an owl, but you certainly would have no more rodent problem.
Godzilla Will Make Sure You Get a Good Night’s Sleep in This Japanese Hotel. The Hotel Gracery opens in April with a couple of rooms featuring the mutant lizard at your service.
An Elephant Found The Man Who Saved Him 26 Years Ago And Their Reunion Is So Sweet. Because an elephant never forgets.
18 Stories From High School That Will Give You Secondhand Embarrassment. A few might even gross you out.
If Ken Burns Tackled Boston’s Snowpocalypse
Ken Burns’ documentary series The Civil War (as well as his other documentaries) had a certain style that brought out the despair and melancholy of the people who lived through it, emphasized by the sad fiddle music. YouTube member SafetyWhales took the same approach to documenting Boston’s current winter, using Facebook posts by real people who live there. Harry Apinwall, the one who described the apocalypse, provided the perfect finale. (Thanks, Linda Shaw!)
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Hard-hitting Drinks
What kind of drinking game requires putting on a helmet? You’ll quickly find out. From the video description:
In a bar in Russia, one man chose to drink a special cocktail, shot the soldier. Before starting this challenge, it must put a military helmet on his head. The servers will launch the starting signal with a whistle, and then hit the glasses of alcohol on the customer's helmet, he must then drink dry-ass. Meanwhile, another server will give him a shovel or fire extinguisher on the helmet to each end of sips. The customer will then drinking alcohol 4 shooters before the big final, a good shot of beer barrel on the helmet. An effective technique!As they say, in Mother Russia, keg taps you! By the time it's all over, he doesn't feel a thing. Until the next morning, when he has to deal with both concussion and a hangover. (via reddit)
Miss Cellania's Links
I Made This Ninja High School Lamp. John Farrier has been dabbling in glass etching, carpentry, and electrical wiring.
The surprising history of gay marriage in the Navajo nation. (via Digg)
Eight Of The Worst Fad Toys From The Last Forty Years.
The Top 12 Must See Sci-Fi Movies of 2015. Star Wars, Max Max, The Avengers, and a whole lot more.
How Libraries Are Adapting To Help the Homeless Find Jobs, Health Services. Quite a few employers and agencies will only deal with you online now.
17 things you should never put on your résumé. Make it short, sweet, and utterly professional.
How much do you know about medieval science? I scored 15 out of 20 on this quiz -you can do better!
The Most Common Eating Disorder Is One You’ve Probably Never Heard Of. Those who could be diagnosed with OSFED often don’t think they are “sick enough.”
The surprising history of gay marriage in the Navajo nation. (via Digg)
Eight Of The Worst Fad Toys From The Last Forty Years.
The Top 12 Must See Sci-Fi Movies of 2015. Star Wars, Max Max, The Avengers, and a whole lot more.
How Libraries Are Adapting To Help the Homeless Find Jobs, Health Services. Quite a few employers and agencies will only deal with you online now.
17 things you should never put on your résumé. Make it short, sweet, and utterly professional.
How much do you know about medieval science? I scored 15 out of 20 on this quiz -you can do better!
The Most Common Eating Disorder Is One You’ve Probably Never Heard Of. Those who could be diagnosed with OSFED often don’t think they are “sick enough.”
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Snowball Fight in Jerusalem
A storm last Thursday and Friday left between 20 and 30 centimeters (7-11 inches) of snow over Jerusalem. This video shows a group of Franciscan monks having a snowball fight, which they probably don’t get to do very often. Israel wasn’t the only spot in the Middle east to get snow. See pictures of the snow in Lebanon, Jordan, and Turkey in this roundup. (via Buzzfeed)
Fifteen Fascinating Flamingo Facts
Flamingos are a familiar sight even to those who have never seen one in real life. The tropical wading birds have long legs with backward-bending knees, long curvy necks, and most noticeably, they are pink. We can admire flamingos or laugh at them (and often both), so we may as well learn something about them, in a list I posted at mental_floss.
Photograph by Pedros Szekely.
Photograph by Pedros Szekely.
Miss Cellania's Links
Mission Impossible: The Raid on Cabanatuan. How more than 500 Allied POWs were liberated miles behind enemy lines.
The Ultimate Way to Witness the Northern Lights is in bed in a glass igloo in Finland. That goes on the bucket list.
From gold to Garfield: 12 actors who made total crap right after an Oscar nod. An Academy Award gives no insulation from making bad decisions.
Nine Amazing Takes On Treehouses. Where the view is great whether you’re looking out or in.
Oh, now we have for-profit foster care companies. What could possibly go wrong?
5 Pets Who Helped Solve Their Owners' Murders. http://mentalfloss.com/article/61811/5-pets-who-helped-solve-their-owners-murders
This guy wants to sell a fish tank, but he doesn’t want to do it by email.
12 Death Metal Cat Videos.
Poison Pill: How the American opiate epidemic was started by one pharmaceutical company.
The Ultimate Way to Witness the Northern Lights is in bed in a glass igloo in Finland. That goes on the bucket list.
From gold to Garfield: 12 actors who made total crap right after an Oscar nod. An Academy Award gives no insulation from making bad decisions.
Nine Amazing Takes On Treehouses. Where the view is great whether you’re looking out or in.
Oh, now we have for-profit foster care companies. What could possibly go wrong?
5 Pets Who Helped Solve Their Owners' Murders. http://mentalfloss.com/article/61811/5-pets-who-helped-solve-their-owners-murders
This guy wants to sell a fish tank, but he doesn’t want to do it by email.
12 Death Metal Cat Videos.
Poison Pill: How the American opiate epidemic was started by one pharmaceutical company.
Monday, February 23, 2015
House of Bricks
Sesame Street does a parody of Netflix’s series House of Cards. Frank Underwolf channels Kevin Spacey as he blows down the houses of the little pigs in Washington. Yes, the story is familiar, but the villain and his accent give it a modern twist. (via Uproxx)
John Oliver on Electing Judges
I always thought it was strange that getting a job with the power of life or death or ruining one’s life comes down to a popularity contest. John Oliver investigates.
The Louisville Leopard Percussionists Do Zep
The kids of the Louisville Leopard Percussionists are between seven and twelve years old. Here they are practicing a medley of Led Zeppelin tunes. The video really took off when Jimmy Page shared it on Facebook. (via Neatorama)
Miss Cellania's Links
All The Winners At The 2015 Academy Awards. And some other interesting things that happened during the Oscars ceremony.
Jingle Fever: the Stories Behind 5 Ad Jingles.
The First Woman in Space. Valentina Tereshkova spent three days in orbit aboard Vostok 6, then became the poster child for the Soviet’s accomplishments in space exploration.
The End of Black Respectability Politics. “It’s like living your life as a job interview. Forever.” (via Metafilter)
Presidents of the United States Ranked by Hotness. (via Neatorama)
Why A Court Once Ordered Kids Vaccinated Against Their Parents' Will. It was still too late for nine children who died.
10 Classic Movie Diva Showdowns. The silver screen is the perfect medium for showcasing competition and cattiness.
The Horrible Ways Mathematicians Have Died. Just one more reason to put off doing your math homework.
How the Philadelphia Experiment Worked. The ship did not teleport away, but what an awesome story that made!
Lions Rescued From Circuses In Peru Get Their Teeth Fixed. That’s one courageous veterinary team.
Jingle Fever: the Stories Behind 5 Ad Jingles.
The First Woman in Space. Valentina Tereshkova spent three days in orbit aboard Vostok 6, then became the poster child for the Soviet’s accomplishments in space exploration.
The End of Black Respectability Politics. “It’s like living your life as a job interview. Forever.” (via Metafilter)
Presidents of the United States Ranked by Hotness. (via Neatorama)
Why A Court Once Ordered Kids Vaccinated Against Their Parents' Will. It was still too late for nine children who died.
10 Classic Movie Diva Showdowns. The silver screen is the perfect medium for showcasing competition and cattiness.
The Horrible Ways Mathematicians Have Died. Just one more reason to put off doing your math homework.
How the Philadelphia Experiment Worked. The ship did not teleport away, but what an awesome story that made!
Lions Rescued From Circuses In Peru Get Their Teeth Fixed. That’s one courageous veterinary team.
Lady Gaga 2015 Oscars Performances
In honor of the 50th anniversary of The Sound of Music, Lady Gaga performed a medley of songs from the movie at the Academy Awards ceremony last night. And it was beautiful.
Sunday, February 22, 2015
10 Years of YouTube
YouTube just celebrated it’s tenth anniversary. The Daily Conversation put together a retrospective of their biggest hits over the years. It begins with YouTube’s very first upload, which hardly anyone saw, but quickly gets to videos you know and love, from cute kittens to the Arab Spring. You’ve seen almost all of them here at Miss Cellania, since this site is coming up on ten years as well. Which one is your favorite? (via Daily of the Day)
Daryl and Carol
I was surfing down an internet rabbit hole and came across this scenario from webcomic artist Annabel D. I found it quite charming. I have a tomcat named Apollo who does the same thing. By the way, it won’t make any sense unless you follow the TV show The Walking Dead.
Sneaking into the Oscars
In 1988, film students Jack Saltzberg and David Teitelbaum put on tuxedos and went down to the Academy Awards ceremony. They never expected to actually get in, but the opportunity presented itself and they strolled in like they belonged there, and talked to stars along the red carpet. The footage they shot was later shown on The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson. More recently, Vice interviewed David Teitelbaum about how the stunt came about, and what happened afterward. They got quite a bit of publicity out of it, which may or may not have helped his career in the industry. (via Metafilter)
Saturday, February 21, 2015
2015 Masters Agility Championship
The Master Agility Championship is part of the Westminster Kennel Club dog show. On Valentine’s Day, Tex the border collie showed them all how it’s done. Watch this dog go- just under 31 seconds with no errors! He beat 329 other dogs to take the prize. At the end, he barks “I’m a good boy! I’m a good boy!” If he goes too fast for you, you can see stills and action pictures from the event here. That’s a good dog. (via Daily Picks and Flicks)
How to Cut a Carrot
This person spends over three minutes cutting a carrot, but the end result is worth it. No, she’s not going to cut her fingers off, although that’s the impression you might get as that blade gets close to them. The artist is not identified, and I’m not even sure it’s a woman, but she has nice fingernails. The video is titled Cooking Class Heroes, but I would bet she’s a teacher instead of a student. You may want to skip through some of the middle parts, but do not miss the end. (via Boing Boing)
Friday, February 20, 2015
The Student Creed
Positive, offensive, self-discipline, self-control, physical health: those are awfully big words for a three-year-old! This white belt is reciting the student creed at Premier Martial Arts in Leeds, UK. Isn’t her speech just the most adorable thing you've seen today? (via Daily Picks and Flicks)
Miss Cellania's Links
The Future of Education is Immersive (as in a Video Game).
See 24 pictures illustrating how incredibly deep the snow is in New England.
My Own Life. Oliver Sacks on Learning He Has Terminal Cancer.
One reason it’s so important to learn world geography, national geography, and map reading is that you can spot the many times that someone uses a map hilariously wrong. (via mental_floss)
17 Very Very Tiny Kittens. Because it’s Friday, and you need to spend a minute looking at kittens.
The Fearless Black Cowboy of the Wild, Wild West. The tale of Nat Love, otherwise known as Deadwood Dick.
Aerial Photos Show Just How Devastating An Oil Train Derailment Can Be. A three-million gallon oil spill far from any ocean.
It's A Woman's Universe: The Ladies Of Science Fiction. A recommended reading list for an adventurous weekend at home.
The stories from behind the scenes at the SNL 40th Anniversary Show are much more entertaining than the show itself. What else would you expect, when all those big stars get together without scripts?
Remembering Hattie McDaniel. Seventy-five years after her historic Oscar win, has Hollywood really changed?
See 24 pictures illustrating how incredibly deep the snow is in New England.
My Own Life. Oliver Sacks on Learning He Has Terminal Cancer.
One reason it’s so important to learn world geography, national geography, and map reading is that you can spot the many times that someone uses a map hilariously wrong. (via mental_floss)
17 Very Very Tiny Kittens. Because it’s Friday, and you need to spend a minute looking at kittens.
The Fearless Black Cowboy of the Wild, Wild West. The tale of Nat Love, otherwise known as Deadwood Dick.
Aerial Photos Show Just How Devastating An Oil Train Derailment Can Be. A three-million gallon oil spill far from any ocean.
It's A Woman's Universe: The Ladies Of Science Fiction. A recommended reading list for an adventurous weekend at home.
The stories from behind the scenes at the SNL 40th Anniversary Show are much more entertaining than the show itself. What else would you expect, when all those big stars get together without scripts?
Remembering Hattie McDaniel. Seventy-five years after her historic Oscar win, has Hollywood really changed?
Thursday, February 19, 2015
11 Distinctive Breeds of Sheep
The Chinese New Year ushers in the Year of the Sheep, which is sometimes
referred to as the Year of the Goat, as the Chinese character for both
animals is the same. You may think of sheep as something to count is you
can’t fall asleep, but they are grown all over the world for wool,
meat, milk, and to show off at livestock shows. Sheep come in an amazing
variety, as I found while looking through pictures. I just had to learn
more about some of those different-looking breeds, and tell you about them in a list I posted at mental_floss.
Photograph by Flickr user EadaoinFlynn.
Miss Cellania's Links
Jerry's Kid: the Story of Gary Lewis & the Playboys. Can you believe he didn’t tell his dad he was in a band?
The American Humane Association has announced the winners of the sixth annual Pawscars™, the awards for animal acting and other cinematic achievements by animals. (via Time)
There’s No Morality in Exercise: I’m a Fat Person and Made a Successful Fitness App. (via Metafilter)
18 Things You Might Not Know About Wayne’s World.
10 More Brilliant Space Savers For Small Homes.
Let’s hear it for the stunt guy: 11 new categories the Oscars should add. It’s only fitting to recognize those specialists who make the magic happen.
The Physics of Popcorn: Why Popcorn Also Jumps. A good look into the snack that provides its own floor show.
Star Wars fans protest lack of female characters on merchandise. They underestimate how many young girls like the show Star Wars Rebels, and how many boys don’t automatically hate girl characters.
Where the Polar Bears Roam. They’ve started hanging out in Kaktovik, Alaska, population 200 or so.
Why Men Always Think Women Are Flirting With Them. (via Digg)
The American Humane Association has announced the winners of the sixth annual Pawscars™, the awards for animal acting and other cinematic achievements by animals. (via Time)
There’s No Morality in Exercise: I’m a Fat Person and Made a Successful Fitness App. (via Metafilter)
18 Things You Might Not Know About Wayne’s World.
10 More Brilliant Space Savers For Small Homes.
Let’s hear it for the stunt guy: 11 new categories the Oscars should add. It’s only fitting to recognize those specialists who make the magic happen.
The Physics of Popcorn: Why Popcorn Also Jumps. A good look into the snack that provides its own floor show.
Star Wars fans protest lack of female characters on merchandise. They underestimate how many young girls like the show Star Wars Rebels, and how many boys don’t automatically hate girl characters.
Where the Polar Bears Roam. They’ve started hanging out in Kaktovik, Alaska, population 200 or so.
Why Men Always Think Women Are Flirting With Them. (via Digg)
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Why Vaccines Work
What do scurvy and measles have in common? They are diseases we can defeat, as long as we take the proper steps to prevent them. This video from It’s OK To Be Smart goes over the basics of the immune system and how vaccines affect them. More of it is about the history of vaccines, and it also discusses how it’s possible we can sometimes forget how important medical breakthroughs are when we become used to better health. Talk to someone who is familiar with smallpox or polio, and the view changes. On another note, can you say “Citrus fruits cure scurvy” three times fast? (via Geeks Are Sexy)
Miss Cellania's Links
Some Tentative Cognitive Effects of Chewing Gum.
8 Classic Movies That Nurtured Us Into Geeks. Personally, I would include Planet of the Apes (1968), 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968), Fantastic Voyage (1966), The Time Machine (1960), and The Andromeda Strain (1971), because I’m an old geek.
When Chocolate was Medicine. In the 17th century, Europeans were introduced to new hot drinks from all over the world: tea from Asia, coffee from the Middle East, and chocolate from the Americas. (via the Presurfer)
Imagine contact lenses that can switch your field of vision from normal to telescopic sight. Does that sound creepy? Yes it does, on the surface.
8 Weird Things Inspired by U.S. Presidents. (via Daily of the Day)
Elizabeth Magie: the Real Inventor of Monopoly. A most interesting woman who should get more credit for her game and her social justice views.
The mayor of Boston tells citizens to stop jumping off balconies into the snow. Some took that as a suggestion for a great video stunt.
Never Whistle on Deck, and Other Sailor Superstitions. When you’re up against the power of the sea, it’s best not to take any chances.
How Zombies Work. Dr. Wade Davis investigates the case of Haitian zombie Clairvius Narcisse and others like him.
Explaining the Chinese Zodiac (Just in Time for Chinese New Year). The Year of the Sheep (or Goat) begins tomorrow.
8 Classic Movies That Nurtured Us Into Geeks. Personally, I would include Planet of the Apes (1968), 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968), Fantastic Voyage (1966), The Time Machine (1960), and The Andromeda Strain (1971), because I’m an old geek.
When Chocolate was Medicine. In the 17th century, Europeans were introduced to new hot drinks from all over the world: tea from Asia, coffee from the Middle East, and chocolate from the Americas. (via the Presurfer)
Imagine contact lenses that can switch your field of vision from normal to telescopic sight. Does that sound creepy? Yes it does, on the surface.
8 Weird Things Inspired by U.S. Presidents. (via Daily of the Day)
Elizabeth Magie: the Real Inventor of Monopoly. A most interesting woman who should get more credit for her game and her social justice views.
The mayor of Boston tells citizens to stop jumping off balconies into the snow. Some took that as a suggestion for a great video stunt.
Never Whistle on Deck, and Other Sailor Superstitions. When you’re up against the power of the sea, it’s best not to take any chances.
How Zombies Work. Dr. Wade Davis investigates the case of Haitian zombie Clairvius Narcisse and others like him.
Explaining the Chinese Zodiac (Just in Time for Chinese New Year). The Year of the Sheep (or Goat) begins tomorrow.
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