Sunday, November 10, 2013

Why Do I Study Physics?

Chinese artist Xiangjun Shi majored in both physics and animation at two different colleges at the same time. That's a real load of learning, especially in a foreign country. From her website:
When I left home for college in the US, I was fortunate to be selected for the very first class of a new Dual Degree program, presented by Brown University and Rhode Island School of Design. WIthout predecessors, and in trusting embrace of Brown's open curriculum, I was pretty much able to design my own education. While it may be too early to discuss the effect of that autonomy, in the past five years in this program, I have had chance to focus on a consistant pursuit - to bridge the arts and science.
She fulfilled a requirement at each school with this award-winning short film in which she explains why the study of physics is fascinating, confounding, and fulfilling. (via Geeks Are Sexy)

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