Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Miss Cellania's Links

Here is Your War. A Veterans Day remembrance of Ernie Pyle.

Disney has issued a schedule for open casting calls for an upcoming Disney film that we can pretty easily figure out is Star Wars VII.  (via Geeks Are Sexy

Amy Bouzaglo of Amy's Baking Company Dishes On What To Expect On Her Reality TV Show.

No matter what you think of the merits of the Twilight series of books and movies, you can't deny that they were successful. And some of that success rubbed off on the tiny logging town of Forks.  (Warning: auto play video.) 

100-Year-Old Wedding Night Advice for Newlyweds.

The first annual Krampusfest will be held at various locations around Los Angeles December 5th through the 21st. (via Boing Boing)

Too much of too little. "Research showed that every $1 spent on nutrition education saved the government $10 in future health-care costs. But lately, the USDA had cut funding for nutrition programs by 25 percent and Congress was threatening cuts again."

Watch an entire movie in gif form, with ten to select from. Be aware that they will only make sense if you've seen the movie already.

The 9 Types Of People Who Show Up At Thanksgiving Dinner. When everyone's invited, you take the guests you get, no matter how odd they are.

The Touching Legacy of Tamil Nadu Conservationist Mark Davidar. Meet the Dr. DoLittle of the the Sigur Nature Trust in India.

Two physicists have worked out the optimal way for men to avoid splashback at the urinal. Their research involved making two artificial urethras and lots of camera work.


Ken D said...

You did Ernie Pyle, may I suggest a piece on Bill Mauldin? (Willie & Joe)

Miss Cellania said...

How about this one?
