Sunday, September 29, 2024

Finding the Giant Squid

The sea holds untold mysteries and legends of monsters from as far back as people have gone to sea. Most of the many sea monster sightings have been explained by drunk and disoriented sailors, and sea monsters that wash up on shore are usually known animals that have been partially eaten or have decayed. But people know what a squid is, because the smaller ones are quite familiar. In 1873, one that was mistaken for a shipwreck grabbed a fishing boat, but was fought off. But later evidence of giant squids was limited to dead specimens and body parts. Giant squids can be 40 feet long! We knew they were there, so why did it take until 2004 to find one alive? Maybe they are hiding from us. The Kraken is smarter than we thought. And that's just the giant squid- we still haven't seen a live colossal squid! (via Geeks Are Sexy)

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