Thursday, May 02, 2024

Lola the Happy Swan

Lola the swan was hatched in a lake in Orlando, Florida. But Lola was the last egg in the nest to hatch, and when the mother and the other cygnets left, she was too young to follow them. If this were a fairy tale, Lola would have joined a family of ducklings and would have been labeled "ugly." Lola's fortunes turned around when a local couple stepped in and volunteered to raise her with the hope of returning her to the lake. That plan didn't work out, and Lola is now a permanent pet. The family had gone above and beyond to give Lola a good life, building her her own house and protected area of the lake to swim in. But Lola prefers to spend her time with her people and the family dog! So Lola spends her days outside and in the lake like a swan, and the evenings inside with her family. She even rides in the care with them! Check out more of Lola at Instagram.

1 comment:

WilliamRocket said...

She lives like a woman but talks like a swan ... oh my Lola.

Lo-Lo, Lo, Lo-Lola.