Friday, October 04, 2013

Miss Cellania's Links

"A Horse With No Name" -What Does That Mean?

13 Hilarious Examples Of How Dumb Kids Are.

Remember "I'm Just A Bill" from Schoolhouse Rock? Once he became a law, things didn't get any easier!

5 Yummy Facts About Cinnabon.

Why Do We Eat Popcorn at the Movies? (via Digg)

Allow John Oliver To Explain Why Congress Is The Time Warner Cable Of Government. No matter how much you hate them, you're stuck with them.

Awesome Grandpa Writes Shaming Letter To His Homophobic Daughter. And now his grandson is living with him.

5 Tales of Hollywood “Love Children” That Are Stranger and Sadder Than the Farrows. Imagine having plastic surgery as a child to hide who your famous father is.

11 Novels That Will Creep You Out. Call it a reading list for the Halloween season.

Alfonso CuarĂ³n on the Making of His Instant Sci-Fi Classic Gravity. The special effects alone in the space drama took two years to work out.

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