Friday, November 29, 2024

The Apple Bottom Drummer Boy

It's not officially Christmas season until Dustin Ballard and his cohorts, collectively known as There I Ruined It, release a classic Christmas song combined with some other song you would have never considered. Here, Matt Bull does a Bing Crosby voice to the tune of "The Little Drummer Boy" with the lyrics from Flo Rida's 2007 song "Low." Yep, they ruined it. 


Chakolate said...

It's not the Christmas season for me until I've watched the turkey giveaway on WKRP, and listened to Alice's Restaurant

Miss Cellania said...

Well, have you?

Chakolate said...

You betcha. Les Nesman's on scene reporting gets funnier every year

Jamsie said...

Best version of TLDB ever.
We did WKRP last night.
Tonight is Alice's Restaurant. For some odd reason, the older I get, the more I look forward to watching AR. And it's not the holidays/Christmas without to Leroy Anderson's "A Christmas Festival":