The satirical BBC show That's Life! ran from 1973-1994. In this clip, they used footage from some man-on-the -streets potato chip tasting to introduce new flavors. These are the priceless clips that the chip company did not use in their promotional materials. It's possible that the new flavors never even made it to market. (via Nag on the Lake)
Lovely looking people !! (he said, sarcastically)
You can see that first woman's grandparents, or further back, came from Georgia (not the state, wombat) ... the view of the Urals is still in her racial memories.
But look, not a brown face to be seen in England back then !
Seems it is multi-cultural these days, lol
All those invaded countries people having the right to call England home .. Wales and Scotland too, I guess.
Don't see many African -Americans wanting to move to Africa.
Can't blame them either.
There is no way in Hades that I would want to go back and live in my birth country of Wales ... it's cold, wet, and they all talk funny.
I just hope nobody realises how good it is, here in the antipodes.
Don't want hordes of people moving here.
Go on, look up where the antipodes is .... if your Latin isn't good enough.
Don't read many books, do you, mr Rocket - judging them by their cover the way you do. I'd almost had enough of this site when BicycleBill had his intolerant and ignorant rant about trans people. You may have pushed me over the line. Glad you're so far away in your antipodes. intolerantia est intolerabilis.
Antipodes origin is Greek (being a Greek I should know and before you start, I am not like Mr.Porakaloglou who proved that every English word originated from Greek). As for this site, it is a home for everybody and everybody is different.
The corner bar where you're so comfortable always has one wobbly stool, or squeaky door to the toilet. But you accept it as part of the charm and learn to navigate around them when you can.
That's why you're comfortable there.
Cheers, xoxoxoBruce
That Geordie granny nearly knocked his block off. Also interesting to see her refer to him as 'you English'.
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