Monday, October 14, 2024

Miss Cellania's Links

Alma Cooper is an Exceptional Woman. Graduating from West Point is only the beginning.

Precision food artistry. (via Everlasting Blort)

Why aren't we talking about the real reason male college enrollment is dropping? (via Metafilter)

‘Disgustingly Pro-Women’: Flamingos owner turns Yelp review into empowering T-shirt. (via Fark)

A Secret Sculpture Built for John F. Kennedy’s Grave Vanished in the 1970s. Half a Century Later, the Mystery Has Been Solved. (via Strange Company)

People On The Internet Really Hate These Five US States. I've never been to Utah, found Louisiana to be interesting for a short visit, and agree on the rest.

A Tombstone with a Coded Riddle.

'There's nobody like him': Sammy Basso, longest survivor of rapid aging disease, dies at 28. (via Damn Interesting)

The Vanishing Hitchhiker Legend Is an Ancient Tale That Keeps Evolving. If you don't have such a legend in your local area, you could start one.  


Anonymous said...

About the article on why more women than men are going to college. You'd think young hetero guys would be more than willing to attend a school where they are more likely to get laid. Hey, when I was 18, that was what us hetero guys were thinking, like all the time. But if what this article says is true, then the need by young hetero guys to maintain masculinity is more important than getting laid? That's kinda disturbing.

Anonymous said...

Comment by DWVR, who forgot to put his name.

Miss Cellania said...

Considering the rising tide of toxic masculinity, I'd say yeah, for a certain cohort, status among one's male peers seems to be more important than getting laid. Yes, that is disturbing.

gwdMaine said...

Kathleen Parker, a Pulitzer Prize winning columnist for the Washington Post, wrote a book: Save the Males: Why Men Matter. Why Women Should Care

Basically, it's theme is that American culture has devolved from promoting gender equality to male bashing. Whether one believes that or not, even if it's a half-truth it's been going on for over 20 years and that would be a very large reason for men not going to college. And also for the "rising tide of toxic masculinity".

Anonymous said...

I don’t get it??
Alma Cooper graduates from West Point and commissioned a 2nd lieutenant, spring of ’23.
She’s now working on her master's degree in data science at Stanford University.
She was crowned Miss USA in August of ’24, will compete for Miss Universe in November ’24.
In the meantime modeling and running a marathon.
Going to West Point is a free education on the taxpayers dime.
In return they are commissioned an officer to do Army stuff.
But Stanford, beauty pageants, modeling, and marathons are not Army stuff.

Food artistry takes a very sharp blade.

Before WW II college was prestigious even though what they taught was what high school is today.
Post WW II the pressure on kids to get a degree by parents increased 1000%, because if you don’t they’ve failed as parents and may be shunned at the country club.
So Junior goes to college, takes on enormous debt for a $50k office job.
His High School buddy becomes an Electrician/Plumber/A/C Tech making $120k+
Because those pushy parents closed most of the trade schools we’re short trades people.
The majority of trades people are in their 40s and 50s without replacements in the pipeline.
Boys are choosing mo’ money, and a few beers with buddies, over 4 more years of school.

I see a lot of parallels in Alma Cooper and Sammy Basso, unusual appearance, big personality, and natural leadership.

Be thankful the hitchhiker vanishes without any of your body parts.