Friday, October 04, 2024

Kodak Panoram at the Ballpark

Miles of the Expired Film Club takes wonderful pictures of sports events with vintage cameras. lately, he's been taking black and white panoramas with a Kodak Panoram from around 1900. This camera was introduced not long after film rolls were introduced to replace glass plates. The camera was a box with a swinging lens that moved in the same arc as that of the film roll at the back. This camera was especially useful at taking sharp photos from a distance. Miles also shows us the images he took with this camera of automobile racing and soccer. Even though the camera was a breakthrough for its time, it is mechanically simple compared to what we use now, so it still works well 120 years later.

1 comment:

Bicycle Bill said...

I have a panoramic picture that was taken one year while I was on the bicycle ride across Iowa (RAGBRAI).   As luck would have it, I'm clearly visible as I had just ridden into town (Monroe, Iowa) and joined the crowd close to the front but off to one side, so I am clearly visible and easily recognized, so I hadda have one.   Ended up costing nearly $40 for a print, and mounting and custom framing it ran almost another $200 (in 1990s dollars), but it's a unique bit of memorabilia of back when I truly was "Bicycle Bill".

And of course, if one were to look closely toward the rear of the crowd, someone (naturally) has dropped trou and is showing their bare ass to the camera ... which is why the photographer ended up selling the work under the tagline of "Monroe Moon".
