Monday, October 02, 2023

Tweet of the Day


newton said...

Actually cats 'burying food' is an instinct that is thought to be a way of preventing other predators from smelling the food. They often do it with food that they like. A small piece of chicken isn't worth burying--it is better to just eat it now.

Bicycle Bill said...

Either that or it's an overly finicky cat... spoiled by too many Tender Vittles.  
Which makes me wonder ... how come cat food doesn't come in flavors that reflect 'normal' cat foods from their days as predators, like 'rodent' or 'wild bird'?


Miss Cellania said...

That seems like a marketing problem. Besides, how do we know what flavor "rodent" is?

Debra She Who Seeks said...

This made me laugh out loud!