Friday, April 14, 2023

Miss Cellania's Links

A fun way to keep a toddler busy for a hour or so. It's a learning experience, too!

Inside Holes: Digging into how the award-winning novel became a surprise cult classic for Disney.  (via Digg)

Jorts The Cat Wants You To Fight Back. We sat down with the labor movement’s favorite feline to talk about intersectional power, using Twitter for organizing and how his co-workers keep him from falling into the trash. (via Metafilter)

At Fort Pillow, Confederates Massacred Black Soldiers After They Surrendered. 

The Super Mario Bros. Theme Honored in the National Recording Registry.

That Time the United States Tested Biological Warfare on its Own Citizens.

What drugs did people take 3,000 years ago? (via Digg)

12 Amazing Accomplishments And Works Of Art Done in Record Time.

Paleontologists Discover 52-Million-Year-Old Bat.  


DWVR said...

Fort Pillow could use some funds from the State of Tennessee to make it a memorial battlefield worth visiting, but I suspect the gerrymandered legislature of that State won't too interested in adding that to their budget.

gwdMaine said...

The First Rule of Holes: When you're in one, stop digging.

Happy Friday Miss C!

Miss Cellania said...

Happy Friday, gwdMaine!

Bicycle Bill said...

DWVR, given the current tone in the Tennessee legislature, I'd go so far as to guarantee that it won't happen, unless they would be able to make sure there would be a monument to General Nathan Bedford Forrest (who besides being a general in the Confederate Army was also a former slave trader and a founding father of the Ku Klux Klan) included as well.
