Monday, April 03, 2023

Miss Cellania's Links

What Really Happened After the Mutiny on the Bounty?   

Ukrainian Alert App Uses Luke Skywalker's Voice.

Sex, Lies, and LSD: The CIA’s Untold Story of Operation Midnight Climax. No nudes, but some images might be considered NSFW.

Kevin Nealon Explains How Schwarzenegger Killed the Hans and Franz Movie Musical.

In 1922, William Henry Singleton left a detailed account of his life under slavery and his service in the Civil War. It's a gripping story. (Thanks, WTM!)

The iconic pasta causing an Italian-American dispute. There's a simple carbonara recipe included.

The Soviet ‘Red Passovers’ Where Jews Gave Thanks for Communism. 

The Distinctive ‘Habsburg Jaw’ Was Likely the Result of the Royal Family’s Inbreeding. O rly, ya think?

Rescuing a Buried Snowboarder.


WilliamRocket said...

I feel the buried snow boarder should have been bigger news.

Maybe it was staged ?

Miss Cellania said...

It made the news, in the US at least. But comments everywhere suggest this happens more than you think, and the results are either that the skier digs himself out (if he's right side up) or dies (if he's upside down). Sometimes your buddies will see it happen, but finding a stranger like that is rare.

xoxoxoBruce said...

The mutiny on the bounty back story was interesting, and a good look at how the British took over so much of the world. It also explains why English is the language spoken by the most people in the world when you add the first and second language spoken.

Good old CIA heh heh. My mother went to high school with Timothy Leary.

Mr Singleton had quite a life, must have been distantly related to those African long distance runners.