Monday, April 10, 2023

How Caffeine Accidentally Took Over The World

Adaptive plant evolution is amazing. Over time, some plants came up with an ingenious chemical that repelled over even killed insects that tried to eat the plant, yet had enough beneficial effects that in the right concentration, it encouraged bees to help with pollination. We call this chemical caffeine. When humans discovered it, we made darn sure that those plants flourished so we could continue to harvest the world's greatest molecule. How that addiction fueled colonization and shaped human history is a story for other posts. Caffeine is so popular that MinuteEarth designed a coffee mug around it, giving them a reason to explain how caffeine works in this ad.  

1 comment:

xoxoxoBruce said...

I've seen a ton of ads for Pepsi Zero cola touting the great new improved taste, but not one word about cutting the caffeine in half. You can bet that was a choice because ad people will seize on any change as reason for a new and improved ad campaign.