Sunday, April 16, 2023

Canadian Food

This is the Canadian section of a French grocery. It is 90% maple products, plus some beer and pancakes. It appears that to the French, all of Canada is Quebec. That makes some sense, as it would be the Quebecois who ask for certain items; they speak the language. Other Canadians bemoan the lack of Kraft Dinner and ketchup chips, but they bemoan in English. You can tell the American section is to the left because it's all sweets. You can enlarge this picture greatly here. (via reddit


MarkOfIowa said...

What could be more Canadian than maple syrup in a clear glass maple-leaf shaped jug?

Hope you have a great week, Miss C!

Miss Cellania said...

Thanks, Mark! And you as well.

Anonymous said...

> What could be more Canadian than maple syrup in a clear glass maple-leaf shaped jug?

If it's sold to you by an extra polite moose wearing a toque?