Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Attack of the Apple Ninja!

The superhero we all need! Well, not all of us, just Americans. Go to the comic page and click right for multiple versions of the same story. From Deliberately Buried Comics.

1 comment:

WilliamRocket said...

Monetising health is a stupid idea and is purely so some people can profit from others.
I don't believe in any gods (yes, I have high intelligence) but I grew up in a few countries in which Christian religion had a say, so I learnt to say 'Thank god' and 'Jesus ******* Christ' ... et cetera (I detest it when people put asterisks in place of vowels in swear words, either spell the entire word or don't use it, but I feel the exclamation 'JFC' is warranted here, so ... all asterisks) ... so ... Thank god that I grew up in, and still live in, normal countries which have free health care !!!

I understand that the American way is absolutely against socialism ... almost like the word summons the devil or something ... but the term actually means "Any of various theories or systems of social organisation in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralised government that often plans and controls the economy" ... and while this may seem like a large bucket of anathema to some it actually is a central agency, i.e. your tax dollar funded government, organising and paying for community things such as health care and schools and the rest.

So yes, we in normal countries, those that have banned assault rifles and most gun ownership, DO pay for health care but we do that as a group ... all pay a little, none go without.

Before you try and , lol, shoot me down, I am a capitalist ! I own a small construction company, have worked for myself since I was 24 years old, went to a Catholic school until my logic powers kicked in and I started questioning their idiocracy ... and have had a full and good life. Apart from developing heart disease some years ago, but when it got worse they whisked me into hospital and did their magic with my heart, swapping out the buggered artery with my mammary artery and more ... all for free !
The government even paid me 80% of my normal income while I was recuperating for 3 months.
Call it communism if you want, but it is not so you'd be wrong, and the funny thing is, a whole lot of rich Americans are buying up land and house here, maybe not for the health system ? but for the lack of lunatics carrying guns.
Maybe you all need to sharpen your pitchforks and storm the castles of power, 'cos your government is run by the corporations via the lobbying system of cash 'donations' and that cannot be good for the people, the human people who don't have millions to bribe the congressmen.
Anyhow, about the cartoon, I'm not sure Apple Inc would really kill off all the doctors.