Sunday, April 09, 2023

A Cat is the Cadbury Spokesbunny

This is the fifth year that Cadbury has staged a contest to find the Easter bunny, or rather, the bunny that will represent Cadbury creme eggs for Easter. The contest expanded in 2021 to entries that were not necessarily bunny rabbits. For 2023, the contest focused on rescue pets. The winner is the first-ever cat spokesbunny. He is a one-eyed cat from Boise named Crash. Crash suffered a horrific accident and recovered at Simply Cats, which will benefit financially from Crash's newfound fame. KTVB got an interview with Crash and his owner Maddie Corey. (via Fark)

1 comment:

Bicycle Bill said...

Is that where you got the snake picture you used earlier?  The slithery thing was a contestant that didn't make the finals?
