Saturday, August 21, 2021

What's Wrong With This Picture?

Let me count the ways...

1. We are in the middle a pandemic surge. Coming to work sick, particularly as a server, is very dangerous.

2. Brianne didn't come in sick out of loyalty; she came in sick because she wants to keep her job and pay the rent. But I suppose desperation makes our country strong.

3. Josh Mandel is running for a US Senate seat from Ohio. In this Tweet, he makes it clear that he doesn't know what he's doing. Not only is he oblivious to both the plight of service workers AND the pandemic, he also sabotaged a local business with a single Tweet.


Anonymous said...

#3 - the breweries twitter account is already gone...........
Thanks Josh!

Anonymous said...

Josh, you great oaf.

xoxoxoBruce said...

♫ Gotta get down to it
Hawley is cutting us down
He should have been done long ago

♫ What if you tweeted there
And found her dead on the net
How can you run when you know?

xoxoxoBruce said...

Ha, I meant Mandel but I'd been thinking about Hawley... DUH.

Seymore said...

Some peoples kids... sad example of humanity!

philostopher said...

Sadly, he'll probably be Ohio's junior Senator in a year and change. Can't stand him, hope Tim Ryan (or another Dem, if there's another one who can beat Ryan in a primary) can beat him, but Mandel is so off the rails, he'll probably win. Those people ain't right.