Thursday, August 19, 2021

Angel Boy

Here's another of the few country songs I still like. Tim McGraw released "Angel Boy" in 2001, and after a day or two I was told not to play it anymore. It wasn't because of the subject matter, but because it "rocked too much." I have to admit the guitar in the last minute or so is pretty good, but I couldn't believe our audience was offended by it. It's not like we played any old-time traditional country anyway.  


gwdMaine said...

I grew up with a small transistor radio
glued to my ear. WKBW - AM 1520 - 50,000
watt powerhouse. Those were the days my
friend. Few things I hate more than the
total segregation of today's radio music.
You would think satellite radio could
solve that, but nope. SSDD. I'm not
aware of a single group in any genre that
hasn't come up with a crossover tune that
almost everyone would like. So much loss.

Unknown said...

Interesting article. I'm not really a country fan, but I appreciate all kinds of music. I'm a bit surprised that this is someone's like. I sounds like a country song made by committee. Take one cleverly worded phrase and repeat it as the "hook" and fill in around it. Lacks engagement or visceral response. I'm sorry, but the video seems lacklustre as well. Nice guitar at the end but I would call it, overall forgettable.