Monday, September 28, 2020

Miss Cellania's Links

11 Job Secrets of Astronauts

50 Cats Shamelessly Disrespecting People’s Personal Space. You get a cat, you get a bathroom buddy.

Inside the Arctic Greenhouses Where the Summer Sun Never Sets.

A 10,000 Year Warning. Artificial intelligence figures out how to label radioactive waste sites for future civilizations. (via Metafilter

 A 20th-Century Jonah and the Whale Tale. This time it's a woman in a whale's belly in Australia. (via Strange Company

Hey Maybe Someone Go Check And See If GM's Truck Designers Are OK. "These aren’t trucks; they’re nightmares, beautifully rendered nightmares, and they may be a cry for help, which is why I’m reaching out."

First Evidence of a Planet in Another Galaxy. We only found it because it revolves around a black hole eating a star. (via Damn Interesting)

There's Always Someone There To Greet This Woman When Her Workday Is Over.

The Galley Slave and the Barrel Hoop. The story of a man who ate himself to death. (via Strange Company)

A blast from the past (2016): 4 Castles You Can Find in Phoenix.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Love the cats spying on people in the bathroom, LOL! Especially the neighbours' cats.

xoxoxoBruce said...

Hope you enjoyed our birthday.

WTM said...

a black hole earring a star?

Bill said...

10k year warning: a mountain of used tires, that would easily last that long w/o being claimed or recyeled.

Miss Cellania said...

WTM -autocorrect strikes again! It's fixed now.

Miss Cellania said...

Thanks, Bruce, I did enjoy it! I got three cards, some money, a pot of mums, a box of tea, and homemade muffins!