Sunday, June 07, 2020

The Eerie Song of the Golden Gate Bridge

San Francisco residents are complaining about loud, whistling music coming from the Golden Gate Bridge. It's been described as deafening to those crossing the bridge, and annoying to people for miles around. Is it the scream of a banshee haunting the bridge? 
Nope—the eerie sound you're hearing from the Golden Gate Bridge is in fact the result of new sidewalk railing slats, just installed, meant to curb the wind. Funny thing about wind: when it passes through certain open spaces, it creates a hum. This is how all reed instruments work, and it's something that the engineers of said sidewalk panels apparently forgot to take into consideration.

And, because it spans a very windy gap across the Bay, the Golden Gate Bridge is now effectively a giant orange wheezing kazoo.
Commuters and nearby residents will be glad to hear that there are no plans to fix the problem. Hear more in videos posted at KQED.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

We've got a new highrise here that has the same problem. Apparently it can be quite a common construction issue. How annoying for neighbours!

xoxoxoBruce said...

Why would anyone be happy there are no plans to fix the problem??

Miss Cellania said...

That was sarcasm, Bruce. I couldn't think of a better word.

Anonymous said...

Obviously I wouldn’t have anticipated this ahead of time either, but how stupid are these engineers? When everything is tested in a computer, well you get what you get. Stupid is as stupid does.