Friday, November 16, 2018

Miss Cellania's Links

Tim Berners-Lee, the Man Who Created the World Wide Web, Has Some Regrets. But he’s got a plan to fix it. (via Metafilter)

The country is hopelessly split. So why not make it official and break up? In this fantasy scenario, it's neither easy nor satisfying.

How the World’s Only Feudal Lord Outclassed the Nazis to Save Her People.

People Who Took Their Family Photo Recreations To The Next Level.

Building Houses That Grow With Us. When considering a home purchase, are you dead set on fulfilling all your future dreams, or are you open to a changeable house? 

How to do an end run around your HOA.

Make Your Own Custom Emoji. Pick a head, then accessorize it with features, expressions, and accessories... or hit the randomize button to get something pretty goofy. (via Nag on the Lake)

The Best Way To Save People From Suicide.

Watch a cat in shutdown mode.

What Makes a Hit Film? You're not going to find a magic formula in this article, because the question could be interpreted as "What defines a hit film?" (via Digg

A blast from the past (2014): 11 Absolutely Eye-catching Chandeliers.


gwdMaine said...

Hey Miss C - It's a beautiful day today up here in the
Northeast. I think I'll skip my meds and stir things
up a bit.

Happy Friday!

Miss Cellania said...

Happy Friday, gwdMaine! We have snow on the ground here.