Friday, December 27, 2024

The Truth About the McDonald's Coffee Lawsuit

Adam Conover of Adam Ruins Everything explains what really happened in that case where the woman sued McDonalds over the coffee she spilled in her lap. You may have heard it was a frivolous case based on greed. But you probably heard that from McDonalds. 


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Yes, it was a serious and justifiable negligence case. Its distortion in the press and popular culture has always bugged me. I feel bad for the endlessly mocked plaintiff.

Anonymous said...

Bah, the coffee was hotter than corporate McD recommends but a large portion of their customers are trades people who grab a coffee but don't drink it till they get to the job site. They pressured this place to turn up the heat.
Now this woman squeezed the flimsy takeout disposable cup between her legs while struggling to open a packet of something probably sweetener. You must have experienced trying to open a reluctant package of ketchup, candy, whatever and experienced the body gyrations that come with it. But I digress...
So during this period of frustration... before she's had her coffee, mind you... she squeezed the cup between her legs.
The cup had no choice but to regurgitate it beverage contents. Even I have been known to expel content when squeezed by a woman's legs. But I digress...
Seems to me there is plenty of blame to go around.
Yes, she received serious injury.
Yes McD lawyers just wrote it off as another spilled coffee from a fast buck artist without investigating the extent of her injuries, and making an insulting offer after being pressured (still in corporate lawyer mode thinking).
But the size of the award was way out of proportion.