Thursday, October 12, 2023

Kitten in a Traffic Intersection

Redditor Your_Brain_On_Pizza rides a motorcycle and uses a helmet cam. She thought it was just a leaf on the road, but as she made a left turn, she saw it was a kitten! Forget the bike, she had to get that baby out of traffic!

If you look again in full-screen mode, you’ll see that the kitten seemed to drop from underneath the red car as it went by at about :12. There’s speculation that the kitten climbed into the vehicle to stay warm, and could no longer hold on by the time the car passed through the intersection. The rest of the story is that she took the kitten home and named it Skidmark.

She took him to the vet, and he’s healthy outside of a little ringworm. Also, GoPro is sending Your_Brain_On_Pizza a gift pack for her heroic action. 


Debra She Who Seeks said...

So heartwarming!

Hearsetrax said...

best of luck, 'skids' and her new superhuman mom

Bless the cyclist that dares to come to the rescue


xoxoxoBruce said...

Why was that woman standing on the corner, sure she doesn't look like a hooker?
She was a ways from the black car with headlights on and door open.
I'm surprised she didn't ride over to the corner and up on the sidewalk.
Well, good for her she found a buddy.