Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Butcher Shop Offer

(via reddit)


Debra She Who Seeks said...

One of my most favourite books! And yes, I have sampled its tasty, tasty cast.

gwdMaine said...

Me too! Along these lines, a new hardcover graphic novel
of Watership Down has recently been released.
Faithful to the original story and stunning art.

Watership Down

WilliamRocket said...

I'm far from 'snowflakish', but I do have pet rabbits, had them for years, although the present crew are only 4 to 7 years old.

So for me, and I guess others that have pet rabbits, this reads the same as COME AND TRY OUR TASTY DEEP FRIED CATS.

Of course it is hard to cast aspersions when I myself have been known to eat parts of cows and pigs, insulting the sensibilities of many Indian, cow revering people, and those that have those intelligent porcine pets as their best friends.

I have a dog eared, careworn, copy of Watership Down here somewhere, I'll dig it out ... and thank you General Wear Denim of Maine, a well done, well drawn copy of the story of Fiver and friends would be an asset on my coffee table.