(via Bad Newspaper)
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Tree Kangaroo Fostered by Wallaby Mother
We’ve seen plenty of nursing mammals take in orphans of different species, but it’s a totally different story with marsupials. Kangaroos and wallabies are born very underdeveloped, and stay in their mother’s pouch for months while nursing and growing. At the Adelaide Zoo, a Goodfellow’s tree kangaroo died while nursing a joey. Zookeepers transferred the baby to the pouch of a a Yellow-foot rock wallaby, a completely different species. That had never been done before, but the joey, named Makaia, survived and thrived with his surrogate mother. Now he’s an adorable young kangaroo being spoiled and fostered by zoo staff. (via Metafilter)
Tiny Hamster’s Tiny Barbecue
Tiny Hamster is back and getting ready for the 4th of July celebrations with a tiny barbecue! That means a tiny little cookout with tiny little veggie burgers and vegetable shish-kabob, a pool to cool off in, tiny holiday hats, and a picnic table set for friends (rabbit, guinea pig, and hedgehog). The critters obviously cared way more about the food than the patriotic occasion, but a good time was had by all. (Thanks, Jake!)
Paul McCartney Makes Mashed Potatoes
I don’t know why Sir Paul made a video for the internet and used ten minutes to explain how he makes mashed potatoes, but I’m glad he did. (via Everlasting Blort)
Miss Cellania's Links
All About Seashells. There’s more involved than meets the eye.
The Curious Frontier Of Red. Street artist Mobstr takes on the cleanup crew. (via reddit)
This Confederate Flag Parade In Georgia Ends In The Most Hilarious Way Possible.
Here's what happens when a man eats nothing but food made for women. You end up not only hungry but guilty about it. (via Metafilter)
The Oddest Baseball Injuries Ever. Eddie Deezen tells the stories.
A 32-mile stretch of road in North Dakota is called the Enchanted Highway because it’s filled with huge scrap metal sculptures depicting wildlife, Western scenes, and even historical figures. If you can’t make it anytime soon, you can take a pictorial tour .
6 Insane Space Stories You Didn't Learn In History Class.
A conviction in Britain once met being shipped off to Australia -possibly for the rest of your life. The mementos those exiles left behind are heartbreaking to this day.
The Chemical Most Chemists Avoid. FOOF may sound funny, but it’s volatile beyond belief.
A star-studded blast from the past about California’s Prop 8 is still valid years later in the struggle for gay rights. Shrimp cocktail, anyone?
The Curious Frontier Of Red. Street artist Mobstr takes on the cleanup crew. (via reddit)
This Confederate Flag Parade In Georgia Ends In The Most Hilarious Way Possible.
Here's what happens when a man eats nothing but food made for women. You end up not only hungry but guilty about it. (via Metafilter)
The Oddest Baseball Injuries Ever. Eddie Deezen tells the stories.
A 32-mile stretch of road in North Dakota is called the Enchanted Highway because it’s filled with huge scrap metal sculptures depicting wildlife, Western scenes, and even historical figures. If you can’t make it anytime soon, you can take a pictorial tour .
6 Insane Space Stories You Didn't Learn In History Class.
A conviction in Britain once met being shipped off to Australia -possibly for the rest of your life. The mementos those exiles left behind are heartbreaking to this day.
The Chemical Most Chemists Avoid. FOOF may sound funny, but it’s volatile beyond belief.
A star-studded blast from the past about California’s Prop 8 is still valid years later in the struggle for gay rights. Shrimp cocktail, anyone?
Bat-Crocodile War
In a war between bats and crocodiles, who will win: the ones with the explosive ordnance, or the ones with lasers? This is the kind of nature documentary you don’t see every day! (via Neatorama)
Monday, June 29, 2015
Call of Tutu
The question is, do you let the cat in at night, or not? Before watching Call of Tutu, I would’ve said, “Of course!” But as it goes on, I changed my mind. This unsettling short film was obviously influenced by H.P. Lovecraft; in fact, filmmaker Aaron Vanek says as much. I do believe they gave just a little too much of it away at the end, but it’s still terrifically creepy. (via Metafilter)
Cats in Jars
Pickle jars, candy jars, vases, and water jugs: cats just love to get into tiny saves they aren’t supposed to be in. And we laugh even when we’re angry about it, because they are just the perfect combination of cute and funny. (via Tastefully Offensive)
John Oliver on Transgender Rights
Is it anyone’s business what transgender people look like naked? We don’t express such desires to anyone else unless we really want to have sex with them. You wouldn’t ask that of the guy who wore a Bruins jersey to your sister’s wedding. John Oliver takes a look at the weird way that the news media -and everyone else- feels entitled to ask the most intimate questions on last night’s episode of the HBO show Last Week Tonight. (via Uproxx)
15 Notable Buildings and Monuments Lit Up by Rainbows
On Friday, June 26th, the United States Supreme Court ruled in the case of Obergefell v. Hodges that two people of the same sex have a right to marry in all 50 states, and that such marriages must be recognized when lawfully performed out of state. This landmark ruling was celebrated in a burst of rainbows across the internet, and in much of the offline world. A solid show of support came from the White House, where a crowd was gathered at dusk when the lights came on to illuminate the building in a rainbow of colors. It's number one on a list I posted at mental_floss, but it was far from the only such display.
Maymo’s Birthday Gift
Maymo the lemon beagle got a lovely surprise for his fourth birthday: a ball pit right in his own home! Imagine being suddenly presented with a thousand brightly-colored balls. He doesn’t know where to start! Now, that’s a happy dog. (via Tastefully Offensive)
Miss Cellania's Links
How to (Truly) Improve Your Luck.
Isaac Eddy was a Blue Man in the the Blue Man Group for twelve years. It’s not a typical job, even among performers.
The Deadly Elixir of Giulia Tofana. (via Digg)
How a Makeup Mogul Liberated Women by Putting Them in a Pretty New Cage. Helena Rubinstein believed every woman had the right to look her best, and made millions by helping them to do it.
Feasting on Alien Invaders. Miss Cakehead served up a feast of the bad guys from the TV show Falling Skies.
Here’s a huge collection of photographs from Pride Parades all around the world over the weekend. A good time was had by all.
Roger Corman's The Fantastic Four Movie: The Most Faithful FF Ever. The 1994 movie is hard to find, but worth it for true comic book fans.
10 Big Cases of Revenge. Hell hath no fury like a dish served cold, or something like that.
More Horror Films You Didn’t Realize Were Based on True Stories. And the real stories are all the more scarier just because they’re true.
She's Been Named The 'World's Ugliest Dog,' But We Think She's Beautiful. Meet Quasi Modo, a happy dog despite her birth defects.
Isaac Eddy was a Blue Man in the the Blue Man Group for twelve years. It’s not a typical job, even among performers.
The Deadly Elixir of Giulia Tofana. (via Digg)
How a Makeup Mogul Liberated Women by Putting Them in a Pretty New Cage. Helena Rubinstein believed every woman had the right to look her best, and made millions by helping them to do it.
Feasting on Alien Invaders. Miss Cakehead served up a feast of the bad guys from the TV show Falling Skies.
Here’s a huge collection of photographs from Pride Parades all around the world over the weekend. A good time was had by all.
Roger Corman's The Fantastic Four Movie: The Most Faithful FF Ever. The 1994 movie is hard to find, but worth it for true comic book fans.
10 Big Cases of Revenge. Hell hath no fury like a dish served cold, or something like that.
More Horror Films You Didn’t Realize Were Based on True Stories. And the real stories are all the more scarier just because they’re true.
She's Been Named The 'World's Ugliest Dog,' But We Think She's Beautiful. Meet Quasi Modo, a happy dog despite her birth defects.
The ThunderLOLcats
The internet infects even Thundercats, thanks to the Cartoon Network. Originally posted in 2011.
Sunday, June 28, 2015
Sports Commentators
You know how former athletes often become commentators? I think these may be two former basketball players and one gymnast. (via Daily Picks and Flicks)
How to Hold a Baby
New Zealander Jordan Watson has a baby, and has classified 17 different ways to hold her. He’s glad to share them with you in this instructional video. He must be doing it right- the baby never hit the ground and never started wailing in terror. My favorite is the Superman. (via Tastefully Offensive)
Draw Our Amazing Life
On the surface, they look just like any other couple their age. And just like any other couple, you can’t know what astonishing forces shaped their lives until you ask. Helena and Szczepan Wojtak were born only 35 miles apart in Poland, but did not meet each other until they were refugees in England after World War II. Their lives weren’t easy, but they obviously love each other very much. This is a sweet story about happy people with amazing pasts, and I’m sure you will enjoy it as much as I did. (via the Presurfer)
Saturday, June 27, 2015
Red Nightmare
Jerry Donovan takes his civil liberties for granted until a nightmare shows him what life is like under Soviet-style communist rule. This 1962 film made by Warner Bros. for the Department of Defense is narrated by Jack Webb. You can read more about Red Nightmare at Wikipedia. (via Metafilter)
If Jurassic Park Were In Different Geological Eras
The Jurassic Period was a long time ago, and it had dinosaurs, which made for an exciting movie in Jurassic Park. But if you can resurrect DNA from that period in fiction, then the other geologic periods of earth’s history wouldn’t be off limits, either. That could give us a lot of sequels! That is, if they could find anything from those other periods that might cause fear and conflict among humans. Or even be the least bit familiar to audiences. College Humor looks at what might have been. (via Tastefully Offensive)
Friday, June 26, 2015
Neko Samurai
This Japanese movie trailer doesn’t exactly scream “blockbuster,” but the premise is too precious. Kyutaro Madarame is an expert samurai who is hired to assassinate Tamanojo. Tamanojo is a cat. Really. But he can’t kill the cat because it’s adorably cute! Still, he has to make the cat disappear to fulfill his obligation, which leads to a comedy of errors along with the samurai action. I’d go see it. (via Dorkly)
Amazing Grace
“May God continue to shed His grace on the United States of America." —@POTUS http://t.co/14Z3HnNi8v
— The White House (@WhiteHouse) June 26, 2015
President Obama spoke at the funeral of Reverend Clementa Pinckney of the Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina. You can see a video of President Obama’s full address here.
The Supreme Court Rules
Graphic from Vox.
Supreme Court declares same-sex marriage legal in the U.S.
Obama’s statement.
Now what?
The White House changed their profile picture.
Supreme Court declares same-sex marriage legal in the U.S.
Obama’s statement.
Now what?
The White House changed their profile picture.
Thursday, June 25, 2015
Miss Cellania's Links
15 Great Works of The Little Mermaid Cosplay.
There saws a time when fashionable ladies knew how to capture attention when they came into a room -by taking up all the room! Mashable has a collection of stereocards lampooning crinoline and hoop skirt styles. (via the Presurfer)
I’m Getting Really Tired of My Mysterious Flaky Friend. (via Metafilter)
A World Without Work. We used to call it Utopia, but without a paycheck, it’s nothing like we dreamed.
Coke vs. Pepsi: The E. coli Test. Which cola do bacteria prefer?
Meet the Diehard Right Wingers Who Just Can't Quit Obamacare. You can’t argue when it’s helping everyone from the statehouse to the jailhouse.
There is a peculiar tradition among the people of Australia’s Northern Territory of dressing up termite mounds to make them look more distinctive, or at least more humorous. (via Arbroath)
Mac & Cheese Cupcakes and Other New Fair Foods. (via Buzzfeed)
There saws a time when fashionable ladies knew how to capture attention when they came into a room -by taking up all the room! Mashable has a collection of stereocards lampooning crinoline and hoop skirt styles. (via the Presurfer)
I’m Getting Really Tired of My Mysterious Flaky Friend. (via Metafilter)
A World Without Work. We used to call it Utopia, but without a paycheck, it’s nothing like we dreamed.
Coke vs. Pepsi: The E. coli Test. Which cola do bacteria prefer?
Meet the Diehard Right Wingers Who Just Can't Quit Obamacare. You can’t argue when it’s helping everyone from the statehouse to the jailhouse.
There is a peculiar tradition among the people of Australia’s Northern Territory of dressing up termite mounds to make them look more distinctive, or at least more humorous. (via Arbroath)
Mac & Cheese Cupcakes and Other New Fair Foods. (via Buzzfeed)
Bryant Park Summer Film Festival Inaugural Rush
Office workers on the 40th floor of the building next to Bryant Park in Manhattan watch the beginning of the Bryant Park Summer Film Festival. The first movie on Monday night was Ghostbusters. I didn’t quite understand it the first time I saw this, but apparently they wouldn’t let anyone stake a spot out on the lawn until a certain time. When the signal was given, it took all of about five seconds for the field to fill up. Commentary contains NSFW language. (via Laughing Squid)
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Super Mario Game of Thrones
On the surface, you might think that the game Super Mario World and the HBO series Game of Thrones have nothing in common to lend itself to a mashup. But the TV show intro has many art elements that would easily be adaptable to a video game world. Make the GoT theme into a chip tune and voilà! Mashup. The video is from Steven Jase, with music by Song by 8 Bit Universe. See an earlier version of the mashup here. (via Uproxx)
Words of Wisdom from Captain Picard
What a treat -a new remix from Eclectic Method featuring Captain Jean-Luc Picard! The rhythm of this video reminds me a bit of The Picard Song, does it you? (via Boing Boing)
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
The Amazing SpiderDad
Mike Wilson is a professional freerunner and parkour athlete. He’s also a father. His son Jayden developed a passion for Spider-Man, so Wilson became SpiderDad! Jayden was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer just after his 4th birthday. For his 5th birthday, Spider-Dad came to visit! The event last fall was captured on video, which eventually got over ten million views. Wilson had further plans to make a Spider-Dad movie to show Jayden, but Jayden died on Christmas Eve, 2014.
The SpiderDad Film was inspired by my son Jayden who sadly lost his 18 month battle at Christmas to a Grade 4 Brain Stem Tumor called, Glyoblastoma Multi-Forme. Before he died, we began filming with the full intention of giving Jayden his very own Premiere at home, with drinks and popcorn. Just like at the cinema. I was very passionate about making this look and feel as real as possible for our little super hero. Even to the finest details of webbing effects, stunts, the Spiderman suit and generally providing a feel good energy about the film.All proceeds from the YouTube video will benefit Naomi House hospice. You can learn more about the story at Wilson’s SpiderDad website. (via Geeks Are Sexy)
Sadly, the little fighter became very ill, and his very own Premiere wasn’t able to happen. It became a dedication project to the bravest, and most courageous little boy we know, always willing to give a smile and thumbs up at even the most difficult of times. In addition, we wanted this to also raise awareness and money for the charity who gave our family so much support whilst caring for Jayden, as well as the continued after care for our entire family and his big sister Ella.
Miss Cellania's Links
The White Whale: Herman Melville’s Moby Dick.
The Long History Of Musicians Telling Republicans To Stop Playing Their Music.
Star Trek: The Story of the Most Daring Cliffhanger in Next Generation History. (via Neatorama)
The 20 Most Deadly Serial Killer Couples. Contains disturbing stories.
‘Welcome To The Human Race, A-hole': 20 Things We Know About Fear The Walking Dead.
18 Fun Facts About The Blues Brothers.
Wean Yourself Off Your GPS Dependency and Actually Find Your Way Around.
Big Stars. Meet the tallest actors ever!
14 Things You Might Not Know About Lady and the Tramp.
A Childhood Spent Inside A Chinese Restaurant.
The Long History Of Musicians Telling Republicans To Stop Playing Their Music.
Star Trek: The Story of the Most Daring Cliffhanger in Next Generation History. (via Neatorama)
The 20 Most Deadly Serial Killer Couples. Contains disturbing stories.
‘Welcome To The Human Race, A-hole': 20 Things We Know About Fear The Walking Dead.
18 Fun Facts About The Blues Brothers.
Wean Yourself Off Your GPS Dependency and Actually Find Your Way Around.
Big Stars. Meet the tallest actors ever!
14 Things You Might Not Know About Lady and the Tramp.
A Childhood Spent Inside A Chinese Restaurant.
Monday, June 22, 2015
John Oliver on Online Harassment
The internet began with such promise- what happened? Internet harassment is a big subject, but John is ready to take it on in last night’s episode of Last Week Tonight.
The other segment of the show is well worth a watch, too. It's about the confederate flag.
Sunday, June 21, 2015
Father And Daughter
A girl waits for her father to return. This 2000 Dutch short film by Michael Dudok de Wit won numerous awards, and deservedly so.
Saturday, June 20, 2015
Building a Home with His Bare Hands
When the apocalypse comes, this is the guy you want to be friends with. He starts out by making himself an axe out of a stone. Then he builds a complete wattle and daub hut from just the materials around him in Queensland, Australia. When you think he’s finished, he comes up with more amazing survival skills to improve upon it. Without a word, he makes it easy to follow each step.
From the video description:
I built this hut in the bush using naturally occurring materials and primitive tools. The hut is 2m wide and 2m long, the side walls are 1m high and the ridge line (highest point) is 2m high giving a roof angle of 45 degrees. A bed was built inside and it takes up a little less than half the hut. The tools used were a stone hand axe to chop wood, fire sticks to make fire, a digging stick for digging and clay pots to carry water. The materials used in the hut were wood for the frame, vine and lawyer cane for lashings and mud for daubing. Broad leaves were initially used as thatch which worked well for about four months before starting to rot. The roof was then covered with sheets of paper bark which proved to be a better roofing material. An external fireplace and chimney were also built to reduce smoke inside. The hut is a small yet comfortable shelter and provides room to store tools and materials out of the weather.He says in the comments that he put in about a month’s work on this, although the video covers nine months of time, since he had other things to do and didn’t work on it every day. By the time the video was finished, I wouldn’t have been surprised if you told me he fashioned the camera out of found materials. He has other videos under the account Primitive Technology that goes into detail about some of his skills. (via reddi)
Arnold Pranks Fans as the Terminator...for Charity
Arnold Schwarzenegger is promoting a contest to benefit his favorite cause: After-School All-Stars. Here, he goes out in Hollywood as the Terminator and pranks people left and right, especially funny at the wax museum. He reprises his Terminator role in the new movie Terminator Genisys, which hits theaters July first. (via Neatorama)
Friday, June 19, 2015
I’ve Got Nothing
Jon Stewart had no jokes last night, but he had words of wisdom about the mess that gives rise to crimes like the mass murder at Charleston’s Emanual AME Church. (via Boing Boing)
Miss Cellania's Links
Today is the 150th anniversary of the first Juneteenth. The celebration has spread across the country by now.
The rise of Seattle’s tent cities.
The Troubled Production of Full Metal Jacket. The nightmare of Kubrick's year-long shoot would make a movie all on its own.
15 Things You Might Not Know About Finding Nemo.
How a Head Transplant Could Work. Is “could work” enough to risk all the other possibilities?
Every Steven Spielberg Movie, Ranked. There are 29 of them, so it couldn’t have been easy to decide which is better than which.
These Are The Victims Of The Charleston Church Shooting. Mothers, grandmothers, several ministers, and more gathered for a Bible study.
Creative Chinese Graduation Group Photos.
The Genetic Quest to Make Strawberries Taste Great Again. It’s time to breed them for taste instead of shelf life, portability, and appearance.
An epic history of the movie trailer. Includes video evidence of classic trailer innovations.
The rise of Seattle’s tent cities.
The Troubled Production of Full Metal Jacket. The nightmare of Kubrick's year-long shoot would make a movie all on its own.
15 Things You Might Not Know About Finding Nemo.
How a Head Transplant Could Work. Is “could work” enough to risk all the other possibilities?
Every Steven Spielberg Movie, Ranked. There are 29 of them, so it couldn’t have been easy to decide which is better than which.
These Are The Victims Of The Charleston Church Shooting. Mothers, grandmothers, several ministers, and more gathered for a Bible study.
Creative Chinese Graduation Group Photos.
The Genetic Quest to Make Strawberries Taste Great Again. It’s time to breed them for taste instead of shelf life, portability, and appearance.
An epic history of the movie trailer. Includes video evidence of classic trailer innovations.
Jaws 40th Anniversary Tribute
Saturday is the 40th anniversary of the release of the movie that would become the first summer blockbuster and make Steven Spielberg into a star: Jaws. It emptied the beaches and ruled the theaters in 1975. If you had to wait for it to come to your town, you read the book.
Robert Jones made this video in tribute to the film. He wanted to particularly highlight that awesome musical theme that added so much to the suspense. This contains spoilers. In fact, it’s like watching the entire movie in just three minutes! In other words, if it were made today, this would be the trailer. (Thanks, Robert!)
Thursday, June 18, 2015
If Canadians Made A Rap Diss Video
Canadians attempt to talk trash Americans in this video from College Humor. It doesn’t quite work out, as Canadians are just too darn polite and accommodating to fill an entire song with insults. That’s an American skill. In the comments at YouTube, half of the Canadians laughed at this, and the other half were offended. However, those who were offended immediately apologized. (via Viral Viral Videos)
A Few Suggestions for the New $10 Bill
U.S. Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew announced yesterday that the $10 bill will be redesigned, and a portrait of a woman will be on it. However, Alexander Hamilton will remain on the bill in some way. The woman to be added has not been decided, and it will be five years before we actually see the redesigned money in our wallets. The treasury is asking for public input on the bill via the Twitter hashtag #TheNew10, and will announce the person selected in December. There are already a slew of suggestions, some more outlandish than others, that you can see in a post I wrote for mental_floss.
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