Friday, January 10, 2014

Miss Cellania's Links

Little Buddy: The Life of Bob Denver.

The annual average temperature in Bethel, in western Alaska, is below freezing. Yet the town's sole farmer, Tim Meyers, grows root vegetables, greens, and even strawberries on his 17 acres. (via Digg)

Why Tough Teachers Get Good Results.

Advertising in the Age of Legal Marijuana.

21 Truly Upsetting Vintage Recipes. These only existed so that you'd be grateful your mom didn't go to the trouble of trying them.

Watch a salsa-dancing tarantula shake its butt and keep a steady beat. Relax, it's a Robugtix 3D-printed robot spider.

Hollywood Declares 2014 the Year of the Bible. At least five Biblical movies are scheduled for release this year, with more following.

13 Famous Authors’ Mugshots. One more life experience that later enriched their writings.

Based on a true story? Fact-checking 5 Oscar contenders. You're okay as long as you don't rely on Hollywood to teach you history.

10 Gorilla Guys. The main requirement for making a living by wearing a gorilla suit is that you own a gorilla suit.

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