(via Criggo)
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Klingon Style
You knew it had to happen sooner or later. This Star Trek version of PSY's "Gangnam Style" is sung in the Klingon language. At least that's what they want you to think -I can't understand any of it. But the dance is just as goofy when non-terrans and Starfleet members do it! (via Geeks Are Sexy)
Cat Sunglasses
Cat Sunglasses - $7.95
Be sure to check out the NeatoShop for more unusual Eyewear!
How Time Travel Works
The characters of some of your favorite movies try to explain how time travel works. For them. You mileage, being in the real world, may vary. You'll find a list of the films used at Flavorwire.
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Goats Playing on a See-saw
These goats are only a day old! Here they learn about the laws of physics by trying out the incline of a see-saw. Video by Zach Menchini, who blogs about his adventures as a New Yorker transplanted to New Zealand at Bring A Snack. (via Laughing Squid)
Raccoon Kid's Animal Cap
Raccoon Kid's Animal Cap - $15.95
Be sure to check out the NeatoShop for more great Hats!
Friday, September 28, 2012
History Of TV Theme Songs
Jimmy Fallon and the cast of the new show Guys with Kids sing your favorite TV theme songs. Yes, you can sing along! You can't resist! (via Metafilter)
Putty Boy Strut
Mechanical bugs eat and reproduce the same way biological bugs do! The video for the song "Putty Boy Strut" by Flying Lotus was directed by Cyriak Harris (as if you couldn't tell by looking at it). You can click and drag the little robots around in a game that accompanies the song. (via Metafilter)
11 Legendary Monsters of Asia
Every country has eerie tales of monsters from hundreds, or even thousands, of years ago. There are many such stories from Asia; here are a few of those monsters you might want to tell the kids about the next time you have a campfire on a dark and spooky night, in an article I posted at mental_floss.
Skull Tealight Lamp
Skull Tealight Lamp - $19.95
Be sure to check out the NeatoShop for more spooky Halloween items.
Henri on Politics
Henri, the Existential Chat, weighs in with his opinion on politics. That is, about Tuxedo Stan and his campaign to be the mayor of Halifax. (via Buzzfeed)
Miss Cellania's Links
The Beatles' Final Film: Let It Be.
Meet the Man Who Made Cowboys Love Rhinestones.
The Illustrated Guide to a Ph.D.
Students graduate from college and suddenly confront crushing debts. One professor proposes that they stop paying them.
The Three Stooges’ 15 Greatest Sports Moments. Easily the most entertaining entry in the Sports On TV series yet.
Why have a normal, everyday family portrait made in the great outdoors when you can battle a zombie horde? Actually, the portraits were accomplished, too.
7 Innovative Buildings Designed to Fit Tight Urban Spaces. Can a 10-foot wide living space ever really be "home?"
The poster for The Hobbit is out. I don't know about you, but it makes me want to know all these strange folks better.
12 Star-Powered College Roommates. Who would have guessed that future celebrities had other future celebrities as roomies?
Meet the Man Who Made Cowboys Love Rhinestones.
The Illustrated Guide to a Ph.D.
Students graduate from college and suddenly confront crushing debts. One professor proposes that they stop paying them.
The Three Stooges’ 15 Greatest Sports Moments. Easily the most entertaining entry in the Sports On TV series yet.
Why have a normal, everyday family portrait made in the great outdoors when you can battle a zombie horde? Actually, the portraits were accomplished, too.
7 Innovative Buildings Designed to Fit Tight Urban Spaces. Can a 10-foot wide living space ever really be "home?"
The poster for The Hobbit is out. I don't know about you, but it makes me want to know all these strange folks better.
12 Star-Powered College Roommates. Who would have guessed that future celebrities had other future celebrities as roomies?
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Birthday Cake Song
Bruce Hill sent me this video as a birthday greeting. Thanks so much! I hear Mom made me a cake, which I'll see tonight. It could be as much fun as this one!
3-D Skull Cake Pan
3-D Skull Cake Pan - $37.95
Be sure to check out the NeatoShop for more delightfully unnerving Halloween Entertaining ideas.
Happy Birthday
Thank you very much! Since I've started blogging, I've gone from, "Oh no! Don't let anyone know how old I am!" to "I don't care, I'm 54 today."
Miss Cellania's Links
Four of the World's Dumbest Animals.
Several Navy SEALS parachute into Dodger Stadium and had to maneuver themselves in from pretty high -it's about a four-minute drop- but executed it perfectly. One guy was wearing a POV camera! (Thanks, James!)
This Presidential Race Should Never Have Been This Close.
A Taxonomy of American Barbecue Sauces. (via the Presurfer)
The Three Biggest Lies About College Admission. They may have been valid rules in the past, but the college game has changed a lot in the past few years.
You may think of ants as mindless workers who never stop, but there are exceptions. While one species tries a shortcut by stealing babies to raise as slaves, the slave ants thwart those nefarious plans by rebelling in their own way.
When PSY performs "Gangnam Style" in Seoul, the real stars are the enthusiastic crowd.
Self-Driving Cars Are Now Legal in California. Lucky for the pedestrians of that state, they won't be on the market for another ten years or so.
Is the era of free checking accounts over? Not if customers are willing to switch banks over the matter.
10 Leaders Under the Influence. You have to wonder if our modern attitudes towards drinking and drugs would have made a different in history.
Several Navy SEALS parachute into Dodger Stadium and had to maneuver themselves in from pretty high -it's about a four-minute drop- but executed it perfectly. One guy was wearing a POV camera! (Thanks, James!)
This Presidential Race Should Never Have Been This Close.
A Taxonomy of American Barbecue Sauces. (via the Presurfer)
The Three Biggest Lies About College Admission. They may have been valid rules in the past, but the college game has changed a lot in the past few years.
You may think of ants as mindless workers who never stop, but there are exceptions. While one species tries a shortcut by stealing babies to raise as slaves, the slave ants thwart those nefarious plans by rebelling in their own way.
When PSY performs "Gangnam Style" in Seoul, the real stars are the enthusiastic crowd.
Self-Driving Cars Are Now Legal in California. Lucky for the pedestrians of that state, they won't be on the market for another ten years or so.
Is the era of free checking accounts over? Not if customers are willing to switch banks over the matter.
10 Leaders Under the Influence. You have to wonder if our modern attitudes towards drinking and drugs would have made a different in history.
Gallagher in Slow Motion
The problem with Gallagher's show is that it is always the same, so there's no reason to take another look -until now. Here he is, smashing things as always, with the addition of glitter and fire, in glorious slow motion! (via Buzzfeed)
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Hungry Pumkin
This educational game has several parts, one in which a rabbit eats your garden up, another where farm animals dance, and one in which pumpkins come in all colors ...possibly because they're in a mushroom field. The company that produces the game only promises to teach your child English words. Teaching them how to be polite about their choices and not eat glass is up to you. You can play the game online. (via Geeks Are Sexy)

Be that as it may (whatever that means, I've used that phrase all my life), people love their dogs. I've had a few good dogs in my life, so I know they exist. Besides, there's enough dogs on the net to convince anyone they must be worthwhile. At least, some of them.
100 Greatest Dogs of Pop Culture history.
Puppy monorail. (Thanks, Kirby!)
Personal ad.
When a dog has a bar mitzvah, its called a Bark Mitzvah.
Singing Dog. This is clever and cute.

A man went to visit his 90 year old grandfather in a very secluded rural area of the state he lived in. After spending the night, his grandfather prepared breakfast for him consisting of eggs and bacon. He noticed a film-like substance on his plate and he questioned his grandfather. "Are these plates clean?"
His grandfather replied, "Those plates are as clean as cold water can get them, so go on and finish your meal."
That afternoon, while eating the hamburgers his grandfather made for lunch, he noticed tiny specks around the edge of his plate, and a substance that looked like dried egg yolks. He asked again, "Are you sure these plates are clean?"
Without looking up from his hamburger, the grandfather said, "I told you before, those dishes are as clean as cold water can get them. Now don't ask me about it anymore."
Later that afternoon, he was on his way out to get dinner in a nearby town.

As he was leaving, his grandfather's dog started to growl and wouldn't let him pass. He said, "Grandfather, your dog won't let me out."
Without diverting his attention from the football game he was watching on TV his grandfather shouted, "COLDWATER, Go lay down!"
If you had a pet store that specializes in dogs, what would you name it?
Vote for the World's Ugliest Dog. Warning: ugly.
Dogs in Bee Costumes.

Reason a dog has so many friends is that he wags his tail instead of his tongue. - Anonymous
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. - Will Rogers
Don't accept your dog's admiration as conclusive evidence that you are wonderful. - Ann Landers
There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face. - Ben Williams
A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than they love themselves. - Josh Billings
The average dog is a nicer person than the average person. - Andy Rooney
We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made. - M. Acklam
Ever wonder if other dogs think poodles are members of a weird religious cult. - Rita Rudner
Anybody who doesn't know what soap tastes like never bathed a dog. - Franklin P.
If your dog is fat, YOU aren't getting enough exercise. - Unknown
My dog is worried about the economy because Alpo is up to $3.00 a can. That's almost $21.00 in dog money. - Joe Weinstein

Ever consider what our dogs must think of us? We come back from a grocery store with the most amazing haul - chicken, pork, half a cow. They must think we're the greatest hunters on earth! - Anne Tyler
You can say any foolish thing to a dog, and the dog will give you a look that says, 'My goodness, you're right! I never would've thought of that!' - Dave Barry
Dogs are not our whole life, but they do make our lives whole. - Roger Caras
If you think dogs can't count, try putting three dog biscuits in your pocket and then giving Fido only two of them. - Phil Pastoret
My goal in life is to be as good of a person as my dog already thinks I am. -Tming
Here's a site for all things dog, Dogster.
Game: Don't shoot the puppy!
Songs to make Dogs Happy.

Thought for today: Lord, please make me the kind of person my dog thinks I am.
Cute Vampire Purse
Cute Vampire Purse - $24.95
Be sure to check out the NeatoShop for more fabulous Bags & Totes!
The Grad School Scam
Don't fall for this scam, like so many innocent students before you! Just look at Alex, my boss at Neatorama, who has a PhD in molecular biology and makes his living as a ...blogger. (via Cynical-C)
Miss Cellania's Links
When The World Series Opened on Yom Kippur.
How Collecting Opium Antiques Turned Me Into an Opium Addict.
After Leo Traynor opened a Twitter account, he became the victim of a vicious troll, who even send him packages in the mail. Later he confronted the troll in this surprising story. (via Boing Boing)
The Happiest Man on Death Row. (via Metafilter)
The 23 Most Important Lessons Learned During Your Childhood. Illustrated with images from TV, which is where they are learned.
Here's a list of The 50 Greatest Films You’ll Only Watch Once. I really hate to admit how many times I've seen Gone With The Wind.
The Crumbling Remains of Tuscany's Creepy Abandoned Mental Asylum. The perfect spooky place to fuel your imagination and/or nightmares.
Rejected bait: 17 recent Oscar-ready films that walked away empty-handed. That's what you get when you craft a film for the Academy instead of the audience.
Why Women Should Stop Trying to Be Perfect. Debora Spar argues that we'll never be able to have it all, so we may as well stop beating ourselves to death over it.
Places Not On Your Freshman Orientation Tour. The secret spots of many campuses are handed down by word of mouth.
How Collecting Opium Antiques Turned Me Into an Opium Addict.
After Leo Traynor opened a Twitter account, he became the victim of a vicious troll, who even send him packages in the mail. Later he confronted the troll in this surprising story. (via Boing Boing)
The Happiest Man on Death Row. (via Metafilter)
The 23 Most Important Lessons Learned During Your Childhood. Illustrated with images from TV, which is where they are learned.
Here's a list of The 50 Greatest Films You’ll Only Watch Once. I really hate to admit how many times I've seen Gone With The Wind.
The Crumbling Remains of Tuscany's Creepy Abandoned Mental Asylum. The perfect spooky place to fuel your imagination and/or nightmares.
Rejected bait: 17 recent Oscar-ready films that walked away empty-handed. That's what you get when you craft a film for the Academy instead of the audience.
Why Women Should Stop Trying to Be Perfect. Debora Spar argues that we'll never be able to have it all, so we may as well stop beating ourselves to death over it.
Places Not On Your Freshman Orientation Tour. The secret spots of many campuses are handed down by word of mouth.
Honest Trailers for The Avengers
You've enjoyed all the Screen Junkies' honest trailers so far ...how about this one for The Avengers? It spells out all the reasons you went to see the movie. And it also counts those moments you had to ignore for the sake of the plot. (via Geeks Are Sexy)
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Love Train
This 1973 song by the O'Jays reminds me of that one guy who was so good-looking, but years later turned out to be an ass.
9 More 2012 Presidential Candidates
The third party presidential candidates
we told you about a couple of weeks ago were only the top of the list
of those running for president in 2012. There are plenty more, but as
you go down the list, information becomes harder to find. Here are a few
that are either on the ballot somewhere or are waging a serious (or
semi-serious) write-in campaign, in no particular order, in a list I posted at mental_floss.
Monkey Business and Patient Cat
A 6-month-old gibbon named APEril plays with Chuck, a female cat. I've noticed that my cats, while they can be crabby with adults when they aren't in the mood to play or cuddle, will always be very patient with babies and toddlers. Chuck is obviously that kind of cat. (via Arbroath)
Spider Cupcake Decorating Kit
Spider Cupcake Decorating Kit - $6.95
Be sure to check out the NeatoShop for more spirited Halloween items!
Remember, a portion of every NeatoShop item you buy through this website helps to support Miss Cellania.
Order your Miss Cellania T-shirt at the NeatoShop, too!
Liquid Nitrogen and 1500 Ping Pong Balls
Dr. Roy Lowry demonstrates what happens when liquid nitrogen returns to its gaseous state. It involves the release of a lot of energy. He blew it up real good! (via the Presurfer)
Miss Cellania's Links
The History of Air Force One.
Romney Says No to “Net Neutrality.”
Epic Gallery: 150 Years Of Lesbians And Other Lady-Loving-Ladies. (via Boing Boing)
Fall Favorites: The 5 F’s of Fall.
The Shameful History of WWII Japanese American Internment. Shameful, but no longer swept under the rug as it was a few decades ago.
At least we didn't line them up and kill them. Covert surveillance of German POWS during World War II reveal that some knew a lot more about the Holocaust than anyone would later admit. The banality of evil, indeed.
Cats Act Out Their Favorite Movies. I forgot how funny E.T. looked in a wig, but the cat is just as funny.
A Japanese fan made his own anime version of the opening credits of The Legend of Korra. The quality of animation produced by one guy on a computer is totally mind-boggling.
10 Super-Embarrassing Moviemaking Typos. Of all the people involved with making a feature film, why did no one catch these?
Ugly Jugs. Get your mind out of the gutter; that means exactly what it says.
Romney Says No to “Net Neutrality.”
Epic Gallery: 150 Years Of Lesbians And Other Lady-Loving-Ladies. (via Boing Boing)
Fall Favorites: The 5 F’s of Fall.
The Shameful History of WWII Japanese American Internment. Shameful, but no longer swept under the rug as it was a few decades ago.
At least we didn't line them up and kill them. Covert surveillance of German POWS during World War II reveal that some knew a lot more about the Holocaust than anyone would later admit. The banality of evil, indeed.
Cats Act Out Their Favorite Movies. I forgot how funny E.T. looked in a wig, but the cat is just as funny.
A Japanese fan made his own anime version of the opening credits of The Legend of Korra. The quality of animation produced by one guy on a computer is totally mind-boggling.
10 Super-Embarrassing Moviemaking Typos. Of all the people involved with making a feature film, why did no one catch these?
Ugly Jugs. Get your mind out of the gutter; that means exactly what it says.
Monday, September 24, 2012
Marching Gangnam Style
The dance is goofy enough when one person does it. The Ohio University Marching 110 performed Saturday before a huge crowd, and nailed it. Do not miss the "elevator scene." (via Daily Picks and Flicks)
The Puppiest Puppy
ModPrimate and Whitney adopted a American Pit Bull Terrier/Boxer mix. The new puppy is pretty happy to have a home and a family and lots of toys to play with. Ecstatic, actually. He's four months old in the video. By next year, he'll be the size of a house. (via I Have Seen The Whole Of The Internet)
U Didn't Build That by MC 'Bama
After I linked to the video of Romney's Awkward Moments, one of my staunch Republican readers challenged me to post a supercut of President Obama. Then this one falls into my lap. Actually, I saw it at Everlasting Blort, one of my favorite sites that is marking its 12-year anniversary today (along with its twin, the Presurfer). The video was put together by Hugh Atkin, who is the real star for his editing skills. If the lyrics go too fast, you can read them at the YouTube page.
See also: Romney Raps
Love At First Bite Salt & Pepper Shakers
Are you batty for vampires? Well, you are going to love the Love At First Bite Salt And Pepper Shakers from the NeatoShop. This devilishly fun set is made of glazed ceramic. Magnets hold these charming shakers together.
Be sure to check out the NeatoShop for more great Vampire inspired items and unusual Salt & Pepper Shakers.
The Glove and Boots Wedding Proposal
We've had a couple of Glove and Boots videos here before. This one is a bit different, as they were recruited to produce a personal marriage proposal. How could any woman resist an engagement ring that sings ...along with a gorilla? (via The Daily What)
Miss Cellania's Links
It's Good to Be King: 5 Monarchs Who Tipped the Scales.
The Emmy Awards were handed out last night. Who cares who the winners were -what were they wearing?
Captain Kirk and Captain Jean-Luc Picard are battle-hardened warriors who command billion-dollar starships. But neither are a match for Time-Warner Cable.
A Hilarious, if Not Entirely Accurate, Explanation of Why Cats Are Better than Dogs. Because even dumb cats can bluff their way through any situation.
The 10 Greatest Sci-Fi/Fantasy Couples of All Time. Oh, don't pretend like you don't have an opinion on these, even if you just watch for the action.
All about Bill Murray, in honor of his birthday.
Why you should make your own laundry soap. Read the highlighted part.
Never try something just because 4chan posts it. And if you do, never, ever ask for their advice on fixing it. (via b3ta)
Is there any problem too great for The Force? Just the musical theme from Star Wars makes this young Jedi feel all better.
The Incomparable Rube Goldberg. You know about the machines that bear his name; now learn about the man and his art.
The Emmy Awards were handed out last night. Who cares who the winners were -what were they wearing?
Captain Kirk and Captain Jean-Luc Picard are battle-hardened warriors who command billion-dollar starships. But neither are a match for Time-Warner Cable.
A Hilarious, if Not Entirely Accurate, Explanation of Why Cats Are Better than Dogs. Because even dumb cats can bluff their way through any situation.
The 10 Greatest Sci-Fi/Fantasy Couples of All Time. Oh, don't pretend like you don't have an opinion on these, even if you just watch for the action.
All about Bill Murray, in honor of his birthday.
Why you should make your own laundry soap. Read the highlighted part.
Never try something just because 4chan posts it. And if you do, never, ever ask for their advice on fixing it. (via b3ta)
Is there any problem too great for The Force? Just the musical theme from Star Wars makes this young Jedi feel all better.
The Incomparable Rube Goldberg. You know about the machines that bear his name; now learn about the man and his art.
Undecided Voters
Who are the "undecided" voters in this year's presidential election? If someone still doesn't know who they'll vote for, you have to wonder if they really believe in anything.
Breakbad Mountain
Creative editing once again takes a story out of context and makes into something completely different. In this case, the TV show Breaking Bad become a tender love story -between Walt and Jesse. You could say they have "chemistry." (via Buzzfeed)
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Super Mario Unipiper
Our old friend Brian Kidd, known as the Unipiper, has a new video, and this time he channels Mario! Here h plays the Overworld theme from Super Mario World while riding his unicycle in Portland. (Thanks, Brian!)
Captain America Bunting
Captain America Bunting - $25.95
Captain America Infant Costume also available.
Be sure to check out the NeatoShop for more amazing Captain America items!
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