BallDroppings is a little physics-based music game. Draw lines to catch the bouncing balls and enjoy the music they make. Bonus -no inertia! (via Buzzfeed)
Getting the inside scoop on Cadbury Creme Eggs. They're only available around Easter, but the factory cranks them out all year.
Gadget Grand Prix. Who will win the race in this stop-motion video -the digital camera, the mouse, the PDA, the remote control, the cell phone, or another hand held gadget?
5 Public Health Campaigns that Made Things Worse. The best of intentions can lead to unintended consequences when you don't think them all the way through.
Kacie Kinzer designed small cardboard robots with smiling faces that will move only forward and left them running around New York City. The question: would passers-by help the cute little Tweenbots get to their destination?
These guys have to repossess a Prius from somewhere between Camelot and Middle Earth. Is that any way to treat a princess?
Will You Be Here Tomorrow? This is the goriest safety video ever, still in use for industrial training. I had to laugh -and cringe.
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