A Big-Ass List Of Student Loan Resources. With links. Students may want to bookmark this page.
Why do mummies often look as if they are screaming? Surely they aren't all cursed! (via Metafilter)
The 10 Craziest Diets in History. To try these, you must really hate eating less and exercising more.
Marine biologist Sheril Kirshenbaum confronts the sexist remarks that accompanied her welcome to Discover magazine's site, and the general sexism in science.
AskMen ranks The Top 29 Cities to Live In. One of the criteria was the ratio of men to women, but the rest of what they considered would make these good cities for women, too.
A long-term study finds strong links between childhood poverty, physiological stress and adult memory. This may be where the term "vicious downward spiral" comes from.
A Brief History of Spring Break. Build an Olympic-size pool and they will come.
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