Friday, March 14, 2025

Miss Cellania's Links

José Guadalupe Posada’s Engravings of Unusual Births. (via Nag on the Lake)

MLB's Overlap Hats Read Ridiculous.

Will the U.S. collapse like the Soviet Union did? (via Damn Interesting)

It is with deep regrets that I announce the conclusion of the Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest. (via Metafilter

Nature provides an allegory for our times.

The Danish pig that was bred as a political protest.

U.S. citizen child recovering from brain cancer deported to Mexico with undocumented parents. The Texas family was on their way to an emergency medical checkup, they said, when they were detained at an immigration checkpoint. (via Fark)

A passport photo of a Wolf spider. (via Everlasting Blort)


gwdMaine said...

It's a dark and pseudo-scientific day as I drink my morning coffee and eat my annual breakfast piece of pizza pie, cold, but previously baked in a gas stove now safe from Government overreach; all the while thinking "Dang, it is Friday, I'm safe from spiders and least I've got Miss Cellania to put some lipstick on this pig and brighten my day even if she first demands a comment."

How in the name of Jaysus are ya Miss C?

Bicycle Bill said...

With regard to the Texas Rangers hat – just Google the word 'TETAS'.   That's a fail on an epic level.


SnowMan said...

Darn, I'll miss the Bulwer-Lytton contest entries. My favorite opening line:
"The lanky cowboy got down from his horse, which was odd, because usually you get down from a goose."

Miss Cellania said...

I'm fine, gwdMaine. I have two grandchildren staying with me, which is why my posting is pretty erratic these days.

Anonymous said...

Now I'll never be able to submit the BLFC entry I've spent years telling myself I would submit someday. Dang. Just… dang.

Anonymous said...

I am also really going to miss the BLFC... it's long been a favorite to read and enter (7 entries made it to the results list). Just this year, I came up with one I really felt good about.