Saturday, November 30, 2024

Turkey, Turkey, and More Turkey

Even inmates get tired of leftovers. (via Bad Newspaper)

Legally Blonde

Reese Witherspoon stars in the 2001 comedy Legally Blonde, about a woman who embraced the ditzy blonde stereotype until she goes to law school and proves that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover. The movie is partially based on a true story.  

Sophia's Room

(via reddit)

Cybor Truck

Spotted in Georgia. (via reddit)

Orange Cat

(via Buzzfeed)

Lovely View

(via Buzzfeed)

What Made Macy's

Everyone knows the name Macy's because of the Thanksgiving Day parade, and from the movie Miracle on 34th street. In fact, Macy's invented the concept of the "Christmas shopping season" by staging the annual parade. But that is far from the only retail innovation Macy's brought us.

These innovations included fixed pricing, pay on the spot, pricing in non-round numbers, Christmas window displays, and having Santa Claus right there in the store. Innovative and relentless promotion caused Macy's flagship store to grow to two million feet! That was 100 years ago; it's back down to a million now. Macy's bought up stores outside of New York that benefited from the name, peaking at around 850 stores in 2018. Since then, Macy's has cut back due to the decline of malls, but the brand is still synonymous with the heyday of department store shopping. (via Laughing Squid)


Cats Getting Stuck in Things

When a curious cat gets his head stuck in something, his first instinct is to walk backward away from it. That doesn't help a bit, as the thing just goes with the cat. Lucky for these cats, there's someone right there with a camera to help out -after they get a bit of footage first. What's even funnier is when a cat finally gets unstuck and the first thing they do is go right back to that object again to satisfy their curiosity! (via Tastefully Offensive)

Yip-yips Located in the Pillars of Creation

(via Kottke)

Friday, November 29, 2024


The Apple Bottom Drummer Boy

It's not officially Christmas season until Dustin Ballard and his cohorts, collectively known as There I Ruined It, release a classic Christmas song combined with some other song you would have never considered. Here, Matt Bull does a Bing Crosby voice to the tune of "The Little Drummer Boy" with the lyrics from Flo Rida's 2007 song "Low." Yep, they ruined it. 


That Scene

The most important scene from the 1947 movie Miracle on 34th Street. This little girl's story is so sad, but Santa Claus knows exactly what she needs. Susan (Natalie Wood) watching from the shadows understands how miraculous it is. Here is what is said in English, which I only learned many years later.

Santa: I'm happy that you came to visit me.
Dutch girl: You really are Sinterklaas!
Santa: I sure am.
Dutch girl: I knew you would understand.
Santa: Of course. You can tell me what ever you want from Santa Claus.
Dutch girl: I want nothing. I already got a lot of things. The only thing I want is to be with this lovely lady. (The reaction from her mother tells us that she knows Dutch.)
Santa: Do you want to sing something for me?
(Sings a Dutch song about Sinterklaas.)

I haven't seen the 1994 remake, in which Santa knows sign language. While the moment is touching, it's not exactly miraculous, because a lot of people know sign language, professional Santas more than others. The original was as if they pulled a language out of a hat filled with nations that were affected by the war. That tragic war story resonated with the audience in 1947 and beyond. I look forward to watching the whole movie again soon. Miracle on 34th Street is described as a family Christmas movie/love story/comedy/etc. but I call it my favorite courtroom drama.  

Black Friday Sale

Black Friday in Lego

Michael Hickox, who burned the turkey yesterday, tries to do his Christmas shopping on Black Friday. It doesn't go all that well. I'm not leaving the house today. Besides, I have a Christmas tree to put up!

Miss Cellania's Links

We see right through the unshowered soul living in a car by the beach, or by the Walmart, or by the side of the road. A firsthand account of homelessness in America. (via Metafilter)

How the Great Cranberry Scare of 1959 Set Off a Thanksgiving Panic. (Thanks, WTM!)  

Fliiphaus is a game that channels your inner realtor. Guess which of two homes is listed at a higher price. (via reddit)

9 People Who Shaped Christmas. Christmas as we know it would not exist without them.

14 Ways Santa Could Die at the North Pole. Some are ridiculous, but the fact remains that the Arctic is a dangerous place.

Celebrating the king banished by the British. How brutality in the British Empire led to alliances between diverse colonies. (via Damn Interesting)

Kindergarteners share how they would prepare Thanksgiving dishes. (via Kottke)

The 10 Best Portrayals Of War Movie Villains, Ranked. Five of them are Nazis. (via Fark)

Six Cars Raced to the Finish Line of the U.S.’s First Automobile Race—at Speeds of Seven Miles Per Hour.


The Best of Robot Chicken's Superman

Robot Chicken had so many claymation action figure parodies, it's hard to recall all of them. Adult Swim makes it easier, with occasional compilation videos. Here are some clips from their most popular Superman sketches. In this video, Superman discovers a new superpower, gets a newspaper headline, and find out the truth about his parents. (via Geeks Are Sexy)

Shrimp Fried Rice

Thursday, November 28, 2024


From 1907. (via Undine)

Down a Colombian Mountain

After noshing on Thanksgiving food, you might be unable to get out of your chair. You can at least get your adrenaline running by watching someone else display skill, athleticism, and a fair dose of insanity in a dangerous situation that no roller coaster ride could touch.

Skateboarder Chase Hiller (nominative determinism alert) glides down a mountain in San Felix, Colombia, at terrifying speeds. Over several miles, he dodges cars, passes motorcycles, almost takes out a dog, hits some wet patches, throws sparks when he touches the ground, encounters potholes and broken pavement, and manages to maintain for almost twelve minutes! At one point, Hiller even loses the video car following him. (via Nag on the Lake



A thousand years ago, there was a city in Illinois that was bigger than London at the time. Cahokia had around 15,000 people, making it the biggest city in what later became the United States. It may have had large suburbs, too, because there were once plenty of manmade mounds across the Mississippi River that were bulldozed to build St. Louis. All that's left of Cahokia are the mounds, which are now protected and studied, and open to the public, too.

What led to the abandonment of Cahokia? It wasn't disease brought in by Europeans, as the city was declining 200 years before Columbus landed. It may have been crop failures due to drought, maybe it was war, or maybe its residents saw better opportunities elsewhere. PBS introduces us to what we know about the ancient city of Cahokia. (via via Damn Interesting)

Glorious Feast

How US Thanksgiving Wasn't What I Expected

The relative dearth of Thanksgiving movies meant that Laurence Brown grew up in Britain only knowing about Thanksgiving from the film Planes, Trains, and Automobiles. The actual celebration plays a very small part in that movie, since it's from the point of view of a man just trying to get home on time. So is it any wonder that Brown was completely mistaken on what it's all about? It's about the food. More specifically, it's about the bountiful American harvest, so the traditional dishes contain foods not all that common in Britain. The food greatly impresses newcomers to the US. I should know, because many years there's someone at my table eating their first American Thanksgiving dinner. If someone ever tells you the US doesn't have a native cuisine, invite them to enjoy turkey, cornbread stuffing, cranberry sauce, sweet potatoes, and their choice of pecan or pumpkin pie. This video has a one-minute ad at 6:03.

Fattening the Flock

I first posted this quite a few years ago, and happened to run across it recently. These were my mother's turkeys, mostly salt and pepper shakers, but also candle holders and figurines that people gave her. After she died, they were distributed among the family, and everyone now has a way to include Grandma at the Thanksgiving table. Most years, that would be a moot point, since we normally eat the Thanksgiving feast together. This year, for various reasons, everyone is scattered across the country for the holiday. 
Which means they are all coming for Christmas, and bringing friends. 

Miss Cellania's Links

8 Centuries-Old Etiquette Rules for Talking Politics. You might want to share this with family ahead of the Thanksgiving feast.

These 16 Thanksgiving Family Meltdowns Might Actually Make Your Own Family Seem Positively Quaint.  

5 Family Dinners That Turned Deadly. Yes, Thanksgiving dinner can get heated, but at least you don’t murder each other — usually.

"Do They Know It's Christmas?" Yes, they do. Ethiopians were among the very first Christians. (via Fark)

50 Worst Cases Of People Misunderstanding The Plot.

How the first Pilgrims and the Puritans differed in their views on religion and respect for Native Americans.

"We win, you lose." The latest from Tom the Dancing Bug.

A Scandal Fit for Print: William Randolph Hearst and the Death of Legendary Producer, Thomas H. Ince. (via Damn Interesting)

Thanksgiving Costume

(via Fark)

LEGO Thanksgiving

How was your Thanksgiving? Any disasters? Michael Hickox has a LEGO tale for us about a family Thanksgiving dinner that was ruined when someone miscalculated and burned the turkey. To a crisp. But it has a happy ending anyway, because there's more to the holiday than just a bird. (via Laughing Squid)

Seating Arrangements

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Thanks, No Thanks

Simon's Cat Celebrates Thanksgiving

Simon's cat, like any other cat, would love to nosh down on that succulent roast turkey. Simon has other ideas. Guess who wins this one? Enjoy this compilation of Simon Tofield's Thanksgiving animations.

Sign Language

(via Buzzfeed)

Shiloh, the Miracle Cat

Shiloh was found on the street after being shot with a pellet gun. Her back end was paralyzed, and she was taken in by Sierra Pacific Fur Babies. Her prospects were not good. David Loop didn't want to give up on Shiloh, and worked diligently to give her a chance at walking again.

Thanksgiving Dinner Seating Chart

This chart is the latest from Matt Shirley.


"All I Want for Christmas Is You", in the Styles of Six Classical Composers

If you are completely sick of Mariah Carey's song already this year, give this video a listen anyway, because the tune is barely recognizable. It's there, but it's buried under the distinctive styles of Mozart, Beethoven, Brahms, Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninoff, and Bela Bartók. Pianist Josep Castanyer Alonso illustrates what these musical geniuses would do if they made modern-day covers of hit songs. The video is annotated so you can learn the terms for what is happening, even when he has to make up those terms on the spot. Still, you know if these composers were around today and had recording contracts, the record company would insist that they add some jingle bells just in case the listener couldn't recognize that a song is supposed to be Christmas song. (via Metafilter)

Miss Cellania's Links

A parachute found in an outbuilding in North Carolina could be the new evidence that may crack the 53-year-old D.B Cooper case. Part one and part two. (Thanks, WTM!)

Nimis, the Police Cat of Amsterdam.

Racism and Sexism Claims Shake a Modern Fantasy Village. (via Nag on the Lake)

The Flying Serpent Who Battled a Train and Other American Dragons. (via Strange Company)

Taxpayers spend 22% more per patient to support Medicare Advantage – the private alternative to Medicare that promised to cost less. I hear Medicare Advantage is also more likely to deny claims. 

The Hero Who Convinced His Fellow Ornithologists of the Obvious: Stop Shooting Rare Birds and Watch Them Instead. 

This Obscure Heirloom Pumpkin Makes a Fantastic Pie. Never a commercial success, the Long Island cheese pumpkin deserves a place in your Thanksgiving dessert.

Pete Buttigieg is called the great communicator for a reason. Watch him rebut a bit of misinformation. (via Fark

A Blast from the Past (2016): 10 Creative Ways to Prepare a Turkey.

Mind the Difference

(via Fark)

Skiing Obergurgl-Hochgurgl

Obergurgl-Hochgurgl is a skiing area in the Austrian Alps. GoPro footage of ski runs are fun, but after you've seen a few, they start to lose their charm. But what if the producers added some extras, like a few dangerous obstacles? The trip downhill gets weirder and weirder as it goes on. If this was what a real ski run looked like, the resort at Obergurgl-Hochgurgl would have to repel visitors with riot sticks. (via Digg)


Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Slice As You Like

Self Checkout

(via reddit)

Animated Vintage Postcards

We've seen digital artists take vintage photographs and give them the stereoscopic treatment, in which a 3D effect is achieved by making the elements move slightly. This is not that at all. What happens in these postcard images is kind of what you'd expect from Terry Gilliam, in that you don't know what is going to happen at all. It's pure nonsense, but there are no giant feet crushing landscapes. However, what they did to that lighthouse seems pretty destructive. The video was made by Justin Mason, also known as Drivelsieve, and is actually a followup to an earlier compilation video he did using the same subject. It's just as silly.

(via Nag on the Lake)


Rango in Red Dead Redemption 2

Rango was an animated Western comedy that came out in 2011. The title character was a chameleon who accidentally wound up in the desert and took on the persona of a tough guy to get by. While the movie did well, it didn't become a classic, cult or otherwise, so Rango seems a strange choice for a mashup. But mashup artist eli_handle_b․wav saw the possibilities. He set Rango into the virtual Old West of the video game Red Dead Redemption 2, where the chameleon seems right at home. That's a bit of a turn from playing a fish out of water, so to speak, in his original movie. These outlaws don't seem to have a problem with a 6-foot lizard in their midst. (via Geeks Are Sexy)

They're the Same Picture

Irish People Taste Test Thanksgiving Food

Thanksgiving is a day to give thanks -for food! And there's no better way to show that gratitude than to pig out, and to share those wonderful American dishes with the rest of the world.

When you see what Irish people think of our traditional dishes, you have to feel sorry for them. What have they been eating all their lives?

That Time of the Year

Watch on TikTok
Putting away the spooky cat and bringing out the Christmas cat. (via Bits and Pieces

Monday, November 25, 2024

Cat Karma

From 1901. (via Undine)

Robin Williams and Martha Stewart Make Steak Tacos

Things go off the rails, as you would expect. I don't know when this clip aired, but it's hilarious. (via Laughing Squid)

Apple Device

(via reddit)

Guillermo Galetti's Kinetic Sculptures

These are cool! Read an article from Argentinian teacher and blacksmith Guillermo Galetti here, and see more at Instagram.


Emotional Baggage

The comedy troupe Foil Arms and Hog portrays two suitcases moving along a baggage conveyor belt at an airport. This time it's just Foil and Hog, because suitcases don't have Arms. One is highly upset about an insult they received. The other is caught in that no-win situation when your partner is pissed off about something, but can no longer respond to the one who wronged them, so they lash out at the closest person. Anything you say will be misunderstood and can well feed the flames, but you can't just say nothing, because that's wrong, too.  (via Laughing Squid)

The Long Saga of the Kitchen Remodel

When I moved into my house in 2008, I fell in love with the kitchen. Sure, it's small, and the decor screamed 1990, but it had affixed counters and cabinets, a double sink with a window over it, and a ceiling fan, which my previous house did not. It was the only modern room in a 102-year-old house, and it worked for its purpose. It was a joy to cook in.

But as the years went by, I regretted how very dark it was. Then I found out how cheaply-made those counters and cabinets were, as the particleboard counter disintegrated, the drawers failed, and the cabinet shelves sagged. When we replaced the dishwasher, it couldn't be braced because what was left of the counter underneath was so soft. Meanwhile, the edges of the flooring started to roll up because the trim was falling apart. We gave up on the recessed fluorescent lighting because the tubes were impossible to replace. Whoever installed them left too little room to remove the covers without breaking them. The ceiling fan/light was okay, but a centered light alone just throws shadows over your counter work. A note on the "before" pictures. Keep in mind that when a remodel is scheduled but you have to wait for the contractors to rip it out, you tend to cease any real cleaning.

Be warned that this story is kinda long, but you can skip to the pictures easily. I actually edited out a lot of it to moderate my displays of rage and misery. Writing the long version was cathartic, but it doesn't all need to be aired.

Miss Cellania's Links

The Forsaken Army—lost, rewritten, then found. Heinrich Gerlach's book was confiscated by the Soviets, but he had himself hypnotized to recall what he'd written.

What You Should Know About Drain Flies.

You might think this supernatural news story was the inspiration for the movie Poltergeist, but the movie was actually earlier. (via Nag on the Lake)

The Glorious World of Sweet Holiday Salads. Cool Whip and Jell-O for everyone!

The Polaris explorer Charles Francis Hall has long been rumoured to have been poisoned in 1872. A preserved snow bunting might be crucial evidence for the theory. (via Strange Company)

Some of us are not so good at this quest thing. In which chickens remember they are birds and can fly. (via Bits and Pieces)

Baker’s Chocolate Wasn’t Made For Bakers, and German chocolate cake isn't from Germany. And these two facts are related.

Trump's deportation vow alarms Texas construction industry. It should have alarmed them six months ago. (via Fark)

Why so many families are “drowning in toys.” (via Damn Interesting)


(Thanks, WTM!)

Fool-Proof Roast Turkey

There's not a lot to cooking a perfect turkey. Once you've remembered to properly thaw it by Thanksgiving Day, the rest is easy. You put that turkey in the oven until it's done, then eat. Joseph Herscher shows us exactly how to do it.

Did you get all that? Then Thanksgiving dinner should be a snap! (via Metafilter)

The Swedish Chef Raps

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Cooking School

The Brain That Wouldn’t Die

From 1962, The Brain That Wouldn't Die is the original movie that was later remade as the Steve Martin comedy The Man with Two Brains Wikipedia says: Dr. Bill Cortner is a successful scientist with a beautiful fiancée named Jan Compton. After a horrible car accident decapitates Jan, Dr. Cortner collects her severed head and rushes it to his laboratory, where he revives it and manages to keep it alive in a liquid-filled tray.

Dr. Cortner now decides to commit murder in order to obtain an attractive new body to attach to his fiancée's head. As he hunts for a suitable specimen, Jan begins to hatch some murder plans of her own. Filled with hatred for Cortner because he won't let her die, she communicates telepathically with a hideous mutant in the laboratory cell, telling it to kill the scientist.


What we have here is a Christmas story about breaking down barriers between people, especially those barriers that only exist in our minds. It's an ad for Deutsche Telekom. I'm not all that keen on advertising despite, or maybe because, I've spent the biggest part of my life in the advertising business. But the best little videos come from ad agencies, because they have the bucks to make it happen.

Premium Contribution

(Thanks, WTM!)

Chord Progressions Lead to Mashups

Have you ever wondered how in the world artists like Bill McClintock and DJ Cummerbund make those marvelous mashups out of very different songs from different genres? The secret is the chord progression. If two songs have the same chord progression, the lyrics melody can be transferred from one to another. Oh, they might be played in slightly different keys or have a different tempo, but those can be manipulated by computer, and if they are close enough to start with no one will notice. Besides, most songs are in the simpler keys anyway.

Pianist David Bennett illustrates how this is done by swapping the music and lyrics of disparate songs that have the same chord progression. Even if you don't know anything about music theory and don't care about chord progressions, you'll enjoy a video in which Michael Jackson sings over a U2 melody, and Celine Dion croons over a Phil Collins tune. The previous video he mentions is here. There's a 30-second ad at 5:35.

Alien Visit

(via Fark)

The Evolution of Stunts with Damien Walters

Stuntman Damien Walters acts out a variety of famous movie stunts while running on a giant treadmill. You might recognize the movies these are from. I saw Steamboat Bill, Jr., Raiders of the Lost Ark, and North by Northwest. Can you name the others for me? (via Tastefully Offensive)

Just Too Cute

Saturday, November 23, 2024

Missed Connection

From 1880. (via Undine)

What a Lack of Sleep Does to Your Brain

One of the reasons I didn't go to graduate school was lack of sleep. See, the elite schools I applied to needed an early GRE score. The only time it was offered in my location was during finals week. I studied so much that week that I fell asleep during the GRE and didn't finish the last section at all! Lack of sleep can really trip you up, as this TED-Ed lesson explains. (via Damn Interesting)

Onward, Gobbles!

The Legendary Artifacts Club

It's a small club, and you ain't in it. The Legendary Artifacts Club is interviewing a modern artifact for inclusion, but it just doesn't measure up. (via Neatorama)

What Would You Say to the Pilgrims?

(via Buzzfeed)

Can TV Change the Way We Speak?

Television, before it was fractured into a million channels, was a great language leveler. In elementary school, I noticed that my classmates who did not have TVs couldn't shake their hillbilly accent, while those who watched television learned to code switch at an early age, and speak like Hollywood actors when they wanted. Today, we have TV shows from around the world, so that children pick up words and accents from shows like Bluey and Peppa Pig. Dora the Explorer introduced millions of American children to Spanish. And TV is a boost to anyone learning a second language. Dr. Erica Brozovsky explains what is happening when children listen to the language of television.  

But more TV doesn't necessarily mean better language learning in children. Too much television actually hinders their learning, when it cuts into the time they speak with the adults around them. At the end, we find that Dr. Brozovsky is just as cute without the red lipstick.

Aunt Mary

(via Fark)

Thanksgiving Sandwich

Oliver Babish (Andrew Rea) recreates Ross Geller's disgusting-sounding Thanksgiving Leftover Sandwich from the TV series Friends, by cooking an entire Thanksgiving meal in order to have leftovers. The tutorial is perfectly seasoned with occasionally snarky commentary. Babish has a whole series of videos in which he recreates fictional food from TV and movies. That's a thin but entertaining disguise for some seriously good recipes. (via reddit)

Happy Hopping

(via Everlasting Blort)

Friday, November 22, 2024

Squirrel's Find

Let's Get It On

Marvin Gaye died in 1984. His biggest song, "Let's Get It On," was released in 1973. And in November 2024, the song got an official video. The animated video is full of sexual symbolism without being explicit. (via Boing Boing)

When You're Dead

(via reddit)

Andy Serkis Reads a Letter from a Chimpanzee

To understand the context of this Letters Live performance, you need to know the cast of characters.

Dr. Serge Voronoff
transplanted glands from monkey testicles into human men in the 1920s, in order to "rejuvenate" them and extend their lives. Dr. Edward Bach was a bacteriologist who warned in 1928 that not only was Voronoff's surgery a con, but that the patients would take on a chimpanzee's "worst characteristics." While chimpanzees are not monkeys, Voronoff used the glands of both baboons and chimps.

Consul Junior was a chimpanzee at the London Zoo, and a favorite among visitors. A letter from Consul Junior appeared in the London Daily News shortly after Bach's statement. Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw was the actual author of the chimp's letter.

Actor Andy Serkis is a motion capture specialist who played Caesar in the 21st-century Planet of the Apes movies. In this video, he reads that letter from the chimpanzee objecting to what Bach called a chimp's "worst characteristics." (via Laughing Squid

Creative Labeling

New Flavors of Crisps

The satirical BBC show That's Life! ran from 1973-1994. In this clip, they used footage from some man-on-the -streets potato chip tasting to introduce new flavors. These are the priceless clips that the chip company did not use in their promotional materials. It's possible that the new flavors never even made it to market. (via Nag on the Lake

Miss Cellania's Links

How a Team of Gophers Restored Mount St. Helens After Its Catastrophic Eruption With Less Than a Day of Digging.

I’m a neuroscientist who taught rats to drive − their joy suggests how anticipating fun can enrich human life.

Memento Movi, A Cinematic Progress Bar for Life. I am 87.1% through The Blues Brothers, which is a wreck. (via Metafilter)

5 Lab Accidents That Went Horribly Right. The result wasn't what they were trying for, but it was useful anyway.

How Winning an Ig Nobel Prize Can Change a Scientist's Career. (via Damn Interesting)

The ‘Death Mother’: Horror’s most unnerving villain.

This Homemade "Canned" Cranberry Sauce Delivers All the Jiggle But Tons More Flavor.

How an Interracial Marriage Sparked One of the Most Scandalous Trials of the Roaring Twenties.

A Blast from the Past (2015): 10 Fascinating Facts About Spanish Moss.


(via Fark)

Your Own Pet Tardigrade

Tardigrades, also known as water bears, are microscopic animals that are pretty much indestructible. They can survive almost any hardship condition, including dehydration. When they lack water, they go dormant, for years if necessary, then rehydrate and begin their lives again. There are at least a thousand species of tardigrades, which make up their own phylum and aren't closely related to anything outside it. This video shows a tardigrade living in a wet slide mount that acts like a tiny aquarium.

You can have one (or more) of your very own, because they exist pretty much everywhere. The Stanford Tardigrade Project has detailed instructions for finding tardigrades and making microscope slides. They use a Foldscope, but if you have any kind of microscope, you should be able to see your tardigrade pet. (via Metafilter)

Coming Home

Drones returning to their cradles/cases after a show
byu/rco888 inoddlysatisfying
(via Everlasting Blort)

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Weiners Pulled

Miami Vice Guest Stars

Miami Vice was the hottest show on TV from 1984 to 1989. The show focused on two very stylish police officers fighting the war on drugs in the Art Deco neon glow of southern Florida. There were plenty of established stars in the "drug dealer of the week" role, as well as up-and-coming actors, but as the show went on, famous recording artists wanted to get in on the action, as well as athletes, models, and other notable figures. Many of the unknowns who appeared on Miami Vice got noticed and became famous for other roles later. In this supercut, they stand out because they look so young.

This list of Miami Vice guest stars is far from comprehensive. You'll find a much longer list at Wikipedia.  (via Laughing Squid)

Employee of the Month

The joke would be that this guy is self-employed, but it turns out that the shop is owned by two brothers, and this is their dad. (via reddit)

Luna Loves Kallie

When Luna was adopted from the shelter, she was delighted to join a family with several kids. But the greatest thing she found was the infant Kallie. Luna is a good cat. She's on TikTok.

Squid Game

An Honest Trailer for Megalopolis

The science fiction drama Megalopolis was supposed to be Francis Ford Coppola's magnum opus. Coppola wrote, directed, and produced the movie using his own funds, to bring to life an idea he had been nursing since 1977. The plot is supposed to be an analogy for the fall of the Roman Empire, but set in an alternate present day with supernatural features. It's also a political statement and a drama about a family. Are you still with me? It almost made sense when you watched the trailer, but ended up as a total mess. Even an all-star cast couldn't save this film. Critics and audiences alike were bewildered at what it was trying to achieve. Megalopolis was made on a budget of $120-136 million, but barely made back 10% of that. It was low hanging fruit for Screen Junkies.