Tuesday, February 08, 2022

When the Treat Bag Crinkles

Most pets I've known will recognize the sound of their favorite treats from several rooms away- even the pets who ignore you at other times. Pigpoke is a rabbit with a dramatic flair. You think you're about to see a cute bunny rabbit video (and it is that), but this is a 94-second masterpiece. I don't know what's in those bunny treats, but it looked for a minute as if Pigpoke was channeling the Rabbit of Caerbannog. I wouldn't want to get my fingers between him and those treats! (via Fark)


Anonymous said...

Monty Python was correct in their assessment of our leporine friends.

WilliamRocket said...

Cute bunny.
It is illegal to have solitary rabbits in many countries, they need rabbit company.
Lol, I have 6.