Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Miss Cellania's Links

The Story Behind the "High Five" Couple of Wikipedia.  (via Digg)

She was headed to a locked psych ward. Then an ER doctor made a startling discovery. (via Damn Interesting)

The Craziest Breakup Text in the History of Texting. (via Nag on the Lake)

Another case of 23andMe revealing family secrets, but this one is on steroids. This kind of child trafficking was not illegal in Quebec in the 1950s. (via Metafilter

You may be surprised to know that the Romans built pyramids, too. Read about Cestius and the pyramid he built outside of Rome.

Seven Horror Movies That Are Secretly Love Stories. Oh they don't all have happy endings. They are horror films, after all.

Johnny Eck and the Sawing-in-Half Illusion. No doubt a few  people were seriously traumatized. (via a comment at Metafilter

Meet Dolly, the First Dinosaur Discovered With a Case of the Sniffles.

Guys can't remember their girlfriends birthday, middle name, or eye color, even if they are married to them.

A blast from the past (2014):  The World Wishes Colin Happy Birthday.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

The psych ward and baby trafficking ones were astounding!

Anonymous said...

Internet high-five, Miss C!

Too slow!

Scott said...

#3 is more savvy than anyone will admit:

"Watch how your date treats animals and servers - you'll be treated the same way soon enough."

Forgotten the source, but it's dead-on in my experience.