Friday, February 04, 2022


There's a reason why February is the shortest month- because it's so miserable. It's also packed with holidays, which we need as a distraction. Mardi Gras and Ash Wednesday aren't until March this year, but Carnival is gearing up for the latter half of the month, and the Super Bowl continues its drift forward, now coming in on February 13th. Remember when it was always in January? It's kind of like how March Madness now happens in April. But I digress. The good news is that we've already made it to February 4th, meaning there's only three weeks, give or take, left in February. (via Digg)



DWVR said...

We used to have Washington's and Lincoln's Birthdays as February national holidays, but Richard Nixon took those away from us when he created that abomination, President's Day. He did it as a cost free sop to Southerners that had given him the election, eliminating the Lincoln holiday. And BTW, February is short days because some long dead politicians named Julius Caesar and Augustus each took a day to add to the summer months they had named after themselves. That's why July and August have 31 days. They took the days from February because it was their last month, for the Romans March 1 was New Year's Day.

MarkOfIowa said...

You are right about the Super Bowl getting later and later- This year it's because they expanded the season from 16 games to 17 games. I'm not sure if this is a permanent change though. And for whatever reason, they don't like to start the real season before Labor Day.

Happy Friday, Miss C! Hope you are not getting too much snow!

Miss Cellania said...

Happy Friday, Mark! Nothing but freezing rain and sleet here.

xoxoxoBruce said...

Yes three more weeks of February but Phil the rodent said that's not the end of winter. Fortunately he's only right 39% of the time. My bunions do better than that.

Anonymous said...

I love this guy's DNGAF vibe. I'd like to see him do the full news report.

WilliamRocket said...

February miserable ?
You've got to be joking.
The sun is like an emoji, smiling down on all the holiday makers enjoying the long weekend of Waitangi Day, and the beaches are packed even with omicron about.
I haven't mown the grass because I don't want to die from heat exhaustion.
The mercury hits 30 most days, peaked at 36 least week, makes it hard to get decent sleep at night, but the days are spent reading Miss Cellania while sipping a cold, slightly alcoholic drink on the front verandah.
Miserable ? Nah, pretty perfect weather here.

About 90 to 96 degrees