Thursday, February 04, 2021

Busy Person

Click to the right to advance the comic. Your ambition and dedication might be due for a hard look from a different point of view. There have been jobs in my past where I worked way more than what I was paid for, but that was either because I was mastering a new skillset for something that I really loved to do, or else there was a guy involved. Both are valid reasons, I suppose. Being able to brag about how dedicated you are to someone else's business is not a valid reason to give up your precious time. This comic is from Work Chronicles.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

It took me 5 years of hell as a young professional to learn that lesson. Never again!

Anonymous said...

The money?

chich said...

I used to work -unpaid- overtime. One or two nights a week and a day on the weekend. Then I got chastised for being several minutes late one morning.

Learned how to enjoy my time off and the sound of deadlines whizzing by when the people in charge did not allow enough time to meet them.