(via Bad Newspaper)
Wednesday, January 31, 2018
The Story of Ronnie the Donkey
There is nothing more heartbreaking than losing a child. Robin Birdsong founded Enchanted Farm Sanctuary after she lost her baby son. Ronnie the donkey came into her care after he underwent the trauma of losing a child, too. It took lots of time and love for Ronnie to start living again. Five years later, he is the king of the sanctuary, and helping Ronnie helped Robin to heal, too. You'll want to have a hankie ready for this video. (via Metafilter)
Hell's Bells
This Silly Symphonies cartoon by Ub Iwerks is from 1929. Imagine what some parents would say about it today.
Miss Cellania's Links
Research About Hot Dogs, French Fries, and Other Nonsense.
The priceless work of university presses. To save a pittance, Kentucky governor Matt Bevin is scrapping our premiere publishing house.
Julie D'Aubigny was a 17th-century bisexual French opera singer and fencing master who killed or wounded at least ten men in life-or-death duels, performed nightly shows on the biggest and most highly-respected opera stage in the world, and once took the Holy Orders just so that she could sneak into a convent and bang a nun. If nothing in that sentence at least marginally interests you, I have no idea why you're visiting this website. (via Metafilter)
On Black Panther, Black Leopard and the Politics of Being a Black Superhero.
PJ McQuade's geeky pop culture Valentines are available now!
The Future Is Now: 20 Visions of Dystopian Cinema. Why is our concept of the future depicted as so depressingly bleak?
Netflix's New National Lampoon Movie Has an Extremely Subtle Mad Men Crossover. A Futile And Stupid Gesture is a biopic about the company's founder, set in the 1970s.
Erasing Native Americans From U.S. National Parks. People lived in the Yellowstone and Yosemite areas for thousands of years before they were set aside as pristine wilderness.
The Extinction of the Early Bird. As Baby Boomers retire to Florida, they don't want to be reminded that they're old.
How to Get Ahead of Tax Day. It's not such a chore if you prepare and sort as the forms arrive.
The priceless work of university presses. To save a pittance, Kentucky governor Matt Bevin is scrapping our premiere publishing house.
Julie D'Aubigny was a 17th-century bisexual French opera singer and fencing master who killed or wounded at least ten men in life-or-death duels, performed nightly shows on the biggest and most highly-respected opera stage in the world, and once took the Holy Orders just so that she could sneak into a convent and bang a nun. If nothing in that sentence at least marginally interests you, I have no idea why you're visiting this website. (via Metafilter)
On Black Panther, Black Leopard and the Politics of Being a Black Superhero.
PJ McQuade's geeky pop culture Valentines are available now!
The Future Is Now: 20 Visions of Dystopian Cinema. Why is our concept of the future depicted as so depressingly bleak?
Netflix's New National Lampoon Movie Has an Extremely Subtle Mad Men Crossover. A Futile And Stupid Gesture is a biopic about the company's founder, set in the 1970s.
Erasing Native Americans From U.S. National Parks. People lived in the Yellowstone and Yosemite areas for thousands of years before they were set aside as pristine wilderness.
The Extinction of the Early Bird. As Baby Boomers retire to Florida, they don't want to be reminded that they're old.
How to Get Ahead of Tax Day. It's not such a chore if you prepare and sort as the forms arrive.
Why Danger Symbols Can't Last Forever
You'd think that a skull-and-crossbones symbol would strike fear into people no matter where they are, making it a good warning symbol for danger in all languages. But over time, the Jolly Roger came to be associated with pirates and treasure maps, so not only is the fear muted, but the symbol became attractive. Hey, there may be treasure buried here! What seemed common sense became useless to warn people away from dangerous sites, like, say, a nuclear waste disposal site. So how do we label such dangers in a way that people who don't read, or don't know the language, will know what they mean thousands of years in the future? Designing a warning sign is much more complicated than you'd think. In addition to this video from Vox, you can read the accompanying article at 99% Invisible.
Tweet of the Day
My husband won't let me pick up wood at Home Depot because he doesn't want it scratched or bent but I can take care of his children daily.— bubble girl (@JessObsess) June 20, 2017
(via Buzzfeed)
Tuesday, January 30, 2018
How the Drinking Bird Works
You've seen that bird that constantly drinks, maybe only at Grandma's house, or at a local restaurant. It's pitched as a perpetual motion machine, but you know there's no such thing. How does it work? Bill Hammack, the Engineer Guy explains that toy that fascinated you as a kid.
The secret is in how the bird is built. The liquid inside it is not water, and the air inside it is not air at all -it's a vacuum! The mechanism of its movement is quite interesting. And there's an explanation of why the bird drinks whiskey faster than it drinks water, which has nothing to do with getting drunk. (via Boing Boing)
Cops Will Pull You Over for Literally Any Reason
Blue lights flashing in your rear view mirror will always make you nervous, even if you've done nothing wrong. This young lady had to roll her eyes, because it's probably happened to her before. Will she get a ticket this time? There are some things about living in a small town that you just can't get away from, until you get away completely. (via reddit)
Something I Noticed About the Weather Forecast
This is the forecast for my town for the next ten days. You might notice that there is only ONE day that's predicted to be sunny, and that day is February 2, otherwise known as Groundhog Day. So, the local groundhogs will come out of their hibernation holes, see their shadows, and go back in for other six weeks. The legend says that means six more weeks of bad weather. And that's where the actual forecast from the National Weather Service shows us heading. Sigh.
What's It Like to be Bipolar?
Like many human conditions, medical, psychological, or otherwise, bipolar disorder was at first little-known (then called manic-depressive disorder), then described poorly in pop culture, then evolved in the collective mind to mean something different from what is it. Many folks display symptoms that might lead you to believe that you're "just a little" bipolar, but while there's a spectrum of symptoms we all experience at one time or another, people who suffer from bipolar disorder suffer greatly, and should seek help. (via Laughing Squid)
Miss Cellania's Links
The Plundering Politician. The rise and fall of New York City's "Boss" Tweed.
What Does It Mean to Die? Jahi McMath's case challenges the very nature of existence. (via Metafilter)
When New York Rioted Over Macbeth. It was class warfare, played out at the Astor Opera House.
Religion Isn't an Enemy of Science: It's an Inspiration. The two have been closely entwined throughout most of our history.
Look at the High-Tech Gear Olympians Will Be Wearing. Gadgetry, texture, color, and even camouflage can give athletes an edge.
Cow Runs Away From Farm To Join Herd Of Wild Bison. They seem to have accepted her as part of the herd.
The Lost Art of Looking at Plants. The amazing science of plant morphology and genetics is starting to make a comeback.
The myth of America's immigration problem. It's not a problem.
Yes, There Is Gravity in Space. The sense of weightlessness is a tug-of-war between difference forces.
An ER visit, a $12,000 bill — and a health insurer that wouldn’t pay. A new insurance policy expects patients to diagnose themselves. (via Digg)
What Does It Mean to Die? Jahi McMath's case challenges the very nature of existence. (via Metafilter)
When New York Rioted Over Macbeth. It was class warfare, played out at the Astor Opera House.
Religion Isn't an Enemy of Science: It's an Inspiration. The two have been closely entwined throughout most of our history.
Look at the High-Tech Gear Olympians Will Be Wearing. Gadgetry, texture, color, and even camouflage can give athletes an edge.
Cow Runs Away From Farm To Join Herd Of Wild Bison. They seem to have accepted her as part of the herd.
The Lost Art of Looking at Plants. The amazing science of plant morphology and genetics is starting to make a comeback.
The myth of America's immigration problem. It's not a problem.
Yes, There Is Gravity in Space. The sense of weightlessness is a tug-of-war between difference forces.
An ER visit, a $12,000 bill — and a health insurer that wouldn’t pay. A new insurance policy expects patients to diagnose themselves. (via Digg)
Cats Play Hungry Hungry Hippos
If I were to tell you cats were playing Monopoly or Scrabble, you wouldn't believe it was real But Hungry Hungry Hippos has just the thing to enthrall the whole clowder: marbles! Watch a group of rescue cats in Sao Paulo, Brazil, play the children's board game. Or, to be more exact, one is playing while the others watch, fascinated. It's going to take a while before he finishes his turn and lets the next cat play. (via Tastefully Offensive)
Tweet of the Day
Chicken nugget math problem. Source: https://t.co/tjv4dsGyhP pic.twitter.com/Zt28rT5MYK— Cliff Pickover (@pickover) January 10, 2018
Monday, January 29, 2018
Never Bet Your Money On Another Man's Game
He's a 44-year-old man from Austin, Texas. His wife and his friends made fun of him, and that led to a bet. He bet that he could put out a legit hip-hop song and make at least ten dollars from it. He took the name Spinach Dippa. Here he is, rapping' about eating at Applebee's, his German mechanic, and running up his credit cards. You can buy the song (for 99 cents) through his website, and half the proceeds will go to the Boys and Girls Clubs of America. The other half will go toward fulfilling his bet. (via Tastefully Offensive)
The Wild World of Time Travel Truthers
We've become obsessed with the concept of time travel. It's a great area to explore in science fiction, setting up all kinds of possible plots and paradoxes. It also feeds into our desire for a do-over in our own lives. And it holds out the possibility of meeting great people and doing great things that are only possible in the past or in the future. However, some people take it more seriously than others. Not Exactly Normal looks at how time travel entered our culture and grabbed us, never to let go. (via Digg)
160 Characters
Victoria Mapplebeck found her old Nokia phone and charged it up to see what data it contained. There were 100 texts from a man she dated for some time. Those, along with a Christmas card, two emails, a set of baby pajamas, and a paternity test were all she had left of her son's father. So she made a short film with the texts piecing the story together.
“It felt like a digital hit and run,” Mapplebeck said. “I began this project with a personal story, but perhaps it also explores a universal story—one in which we increasingly expect more from technology and less from each other.”Read more about the film at The Atlantic.
Miss Cellania's Links
Science Explains Why You Are Not a “Morning Person.” Unless, of course, you are one.
The Ethical Pain of Separating Conjoined Twins. Goldstein said the separation surgery, knowing one twin would die, was the first time he cried in the operating room. (via Damn Interesting)
The 1% grabbed 82% of all wealth created in 2017.
Visit a Beard That Killed Its Owner. Hans Steininger's beard was over four and half feet long, and you can still see it 450 years later.
The Greatest Movie Villains Of All Time. A truly great villain has some kind of charm that gives you the willies, because good and evil aren't as simple as we'd like to think. (via BroBible)
12 Idioms That Get Lost in Translation. Check out the tomato glasses, singing apples, and cooked carrots (and what they mean).
The Troubling Origins of the Skeletons in a New York Museum. Should victims of the Herero genocide be reburied or displayed to tell their story? (via Metafilter)
Why Steven Spielberg’s West Side Story Remake Is an Important Opportunity.
Keep Up With Super Bowl Ads With the Super Bowl LII Ad Tracker. See the best part of the game before the game without having to watch the game.
The Rise and Fall of the Pop Star Purity Ring. Corporate backing make it happen.
The Ethical Pain of Separating Conjoined Twins. Goldstein said the separation surgery, knowing one twin would die, was the first time he cried in the operating room. (via Damn Interesting)
The 1% grabbed 82% of all wealth created in 2017.
Visit a Beard That Killed Its Owner. Hans Steininger's beard was over four and half feet long, and you can still see it 450 years later.
The Greatest Movie Villains Of All Time. A truly great villain has some kind of charm that gives you the willies, because good and evil aren't as simple as we'd like to think. (via BroBible)
12 Idioms That Get Lost in Translation. Check out the tomato glasses, singing apples, and cooked carrots (and what they mean).
The Troubling Origins of the Skeletons in a New York Museum. Should victims of the Herero genocide be reburied or displayed to tell their story? (via Metafilter)
Why Steven Spielberg’s West Side Story Remake Is an Important Opportunity.
Keep Up With Super Bowl Ads With the Super Bowl LII Ad Tracker. See the best part of the game before the game without having to watch the game.
The Rise and Fall of the Pop Star Purity Ring. Corporate backing make it happen.
Tweet of the Day
"I just woke up. Give me a minute." pic.twitter.com/HNB5GJF7l8— Luv Kittens Daily (@LuvKittensDaily) January 15, 2018
(via Everlasting Blort)
Sunday, January 28, 2018
Chimpanzee with a GoPro
Kimbang the chimpanzee came into foster care when her mother was killed by poachers. She's now four years old and training to live in the wild on her own. Her caregivers put a GoPro camera on her to monitor how she selects which foods to eat, but what they got was a dizzying ride through the rainforest canopy. And selfies.
Robot Chicken Does Sesame Street
Adult Swim UK gives us a compilation of some Sesame Street parodies that Robot Chicken has done over the years: The residents of Sesame Street deal with a flu epidemic, Oscar the Grouch makes a new friend, and Cookie Monster craves cookies. Contains NSFW language. While Sesame Street brought children's TV much closer to real life than anything before it, it was never this realistic. And that's a good thing. (via Geeks Are Sexy)
Tweet of the Day
yall consider this a date pic.twitter.com/xoo54UbQBi— persephone (@couturetits) July 6, 2017
(via Buzzfeed)
Saturday, January 27, 2018
Why Cities Exist
When you have a lot of room, why don't people just spread out over the countryside? Owning, or at least being surrounded by land, would seem to make sense in a civilization that relies o agriculture. Yet cities keep growing, as they have for thousands of years. The explanation of this seemingly dry subject is made intriguing by the fact that it's from Wendover Productions, which is always fascinating.
The simple answer is that people like to live near other people when it's possible, because there are a lot of benefits to living in groups, like jobs, services, and culture. The story of cities is really the story of agriculture, which is the story of civilization. The video goes into quite a bit more detail. (via Digg)
Anytime is Ice Cream Time
Don't let the title fool you. While this cartoon stars many kinds of ice cream treats, the world does not treat them well. The juxtaposition of retro-style animated ice cream cones with their cruel fates may be quite jarring. Steve Cutts brings us all the technicolor carnage. (via Everlasting Blort)
Cab Calloway's Jitterbug Party
Some hotshot razzmatazz from 27-year-old Cab Calloway, at the Cotton Club in 1935.
Tweet of the Day
So after 20 years of growing her dreads my mom wanted to cut off her hair. She wasn’t sure how my dad would react tho....but this is how he did. 😭🤧 pic.twitter.com/Nih3jH2qSb— praizekirkwood (@praizekirkwood) January 13, 2018
(via reddit)
Friday, January 26, 2018
That One Lightsaber Fight with Music
Rey & Kylo Ren fighting the Praetorian Guards to "Mr Blue Sky" by Electric Light Orchestra pic.twitter.com/tA2xUEkvTR— you’re not alone in everything✨ Saw TLJ x4 (@rachlikesbands) January 23, 2018
There's a whole bunch of these with maybe a dozen different songs in a Twitter thread. (via FanFare)
Sriracha Sauce and the Surprisingly Heartwarming Story Behind It
David Tran escaped Vietnam in 1978 and gave us Sriracha sauce. He concentrated on the product instead of building a successful company, but things happen. Huy Fong Foods is a wildly successful company in spite of their business practices -because the product is what consumers want. Simon Whistler of Today I Found Out explains how Tran, the serious cook and laid-back businessman, achieved incredible success without patents, copyright, or even the original rooster. (via Laughing Squid)
Miss Cellania'sLinks
7 Offbeat Mardi Gras Krewes. And when to see their parades this Carnival season.
The female price of male pleasure. "At every turn, women are taught that how someone reacts to them does more to establish their goodness and worth than anything they themselves might feel." (via Metafilter)
The First Ice Skates Weren’t for Jumps and Twirls—They Were for Getting Around. Blades were invented to help you slide on ice in only one direction at a time.
Golden Kingdoms: Luxury and Legacy in the Ancient Americas. What remains of the Inca and the Aztecs is just a taste of their historic glory.
Why Menu Translations Go Terribly Wrong. Often what a dish has always been called doesn't really describe it to someone who is unfamiliar with it.
Poles of Inaccessibility: the Remotest Places on Earth. See the spot on each continent that is furthest from any ocean. (via TYWKIWDBI)
5 Famous People Who Are Pure Madness On Social Media. Follow them, and your feed will not be what you would expect.
The Internet Is Enabling a New Kind of Poorly Paid Hell. Piecework can pay as little as a penny to "independent contractors."
43 Celebs You Totally Forgot Appeared On Law & Order: SVU.
Remember the story of the Polish doctor picked up by immigration officials? He is not only sorely needed at his hospital, he may actually be an American citizen.
The female price of male pleasure. "At every turn, women are taught that how someone reacts to them does more to establish their goodness and worth than anything they themselves might feel." (via Metafilter)
The First Ice Skates Weren’t for Jumps and Twirls—They Were for Getting Around. Blades were invented to help you slide on ice in only one direction at a time.
Golden Kingdoms: Luxury and Legacy in the Ancient Americas. What remains of the Inca and the Aztecs is just a taste of their historic glory.
Why Menu Translations Go Terribly Wrong. Often what a dish has always been called doesn't really describe it to someone who is unfamiliar with it.
Poles of Inaccessibility: the Remotest Places on Earth. See the spot on each continent that is furthest from any ocean. (via TYWKIWDBI)
5 Famous People Who Are Pure Madness On Social Media. Follow them, and your feed will not be what you would expect.
The Internet Is Enabling a New Kind of Poorly Paid Hell. Piecework can pay as little as a penny to "independent contractors."
43 Celebs You Totally Forgot Appeared On Law & Order: SVU.
Remember the story of the Polish doctor picked up by immigration officials? He is not only sorely needed at his hospital, he may actually be an American citizen.
What If Your Airplane Door Burst Open Mid-Flight?
It's something you think about every time you get on an airline flight. What if the door opens while we're flying? What if something were to affect the structural integrity of the plane? Our paranoid thoughts go to that one plane, you know the one. There was only one fatality because the passengers had their seatbelts on, but a flight attendant got sucked out of the plane at an altitude of seven miles. That's the nightmare, but it's only the worst of the bad things that can happen if your plane pops open.
According to AsapSCIENCE, the good news is that it's not likely to happen. And as usual, they tell us we are safer flying than driving. That's honestly not much comfort, because most of us have experienced our share of auto accidents already. You can't help but wonder if your number will come up while you're too far from the ground to survive. (via Geeks Are Sexy)
Tweet of the Day
BOSS: is your make up tattooed on?— Rads (@FeelingEuphoric) September 29, 2017
ME: yeah it's exhausting to have to put it on every single morning
BOSS: why a clown though
(via The Obscure Gentleman, where you can see the comic this inspired)
Thursday, January 25, 2018
Candide Thovex Sans la Neige
I've posted videos of professional skier Candide Thovex before, and they are always impressive. But the amazing Alpine skier doesn't even need snow to impress us! Watch him ski over sand, dirt, grass, volcanic ash, rock, bricks, brush, and water in some of the most beautiful places on earth. All for a car ad. But when you've got a sponsor who'll send you to such places, you go! (Thanks, Ken D!)
Whopper Neutrality
The average person who uses the internet for a sensible part of their day has little understanding of what Net Neutrality is and why we need it. Burger King produced an ad that illustrates the concept of Net Neutrality using the Whopper. It's a bit strange. It has the right idea, although quite simplified, but they only showed the mess from the customer's side. There's also a problem of all the small websites you love, like this one, which doesn't have the power or money to "negotiate" their way onto all the various ISP's tiers. It's only a matter of time before they all disappear under the crush of runaway capitalism, unless we get Net Neutrality restored soon. You could sign the petition mentioned in the video, or better yet you can call your representative in congress, or both. Or maybe you really want to pay more to get your Whopper first. (via Tastefully Offensive)
Vitim River Bridge
Would you drive across this bridge? It's one lane wide with no railings whatsoever, too narrow to allow for the slightest variance from the path. The surface is not at all smooth, and the wooden planks can get slippery when frost settles. This is the Vitim River Bridge in Siberia. It once carried trains, which explains why it's so narrow. Not many drivers try it, but if you cross it successfully, you can join a Facebook group for those who have accomplished the feat.
Miss Cellania's Links
Queen of the Extras: The Bess Flowers Story. Yes, you've seen her, even if you don't know her.
Democrats, it's time to fight like Superman for truth, justice, and the American way.
Imitation is the sincerest form of flatulence. This will have you in stitches from laughing, but do not play it at work. (via reddit)
Star Wars: Episode IX Can Fill Leia’s Absence By Embracing Its Forgotten Queen. However improbable that is, it's a loving tribute to Padmé Amidala.
Facebook Begins Its Downward Spiral. Vanity Fair explores the latest trouble for the social media giant.
Four Olympic Stadiums With Unexpected Afterlives. They became a prison, a church, and entertainment centers.
We’re Not Done Here. How the MeToo movement became a feminist sexual revolution.
Honest Posters for Oscar-Nominated Movies. Fan art is where you get the real scoop.
The Secret History of the World's Priciest Spice. Saffron can cost as much as $16 a gram, for good reason.
Polish Doctor Living in the U.S. for 40 Years Detained by ICE. He had a legal green card, but was arrested 25 years ago as a teenager.
Democrats, it's time to fight like Superman for truth, justice, and the American way.
Imitation is the sincerest form of flatulence. This will have you in stitches from laughing, but do not play it at work. (via reddit)
Star Wars: Episode IX Can Fill Leia’s Absence By Embracing Its Forgotten Queen. However improbable that is, it's a loving tribute to Padmé Amidala.
Facebook Begins Its Downward Spiral. Vanity Fair explores the latest trouble for the social media giant.
Four Olympic Stadiums With Unexpected Afterlives. They became a prison, a church, and entertainment centers.
We’re Not Done Here. How the MeToo movement became a feminist sexual revolution.
Honest Posters for Oscar-Nominated Movies. Fan art is where you get the real scoop.
The Secret History of the World's Priciest Spice. Saffron can cost as much as $16 a gram, for good reason.
Polish Doctor Living in the U.S. for 40 Years Detained by ICE. He had a legal green card, but was arrested 25 years ago as a teenager.
Cat Trapped in Stairs
Henriette Kleppan's family moved to a new home with their cat, Sverre. The house needed some work, including building new stairs. After the carpenters were gone, the family couldn't find the cat. They called for Sverre and finally heard him crying weakly from inside the new stairs! Four-year-old Julie and 7-year-old Mikkel were quite upset. Sverre was closed up inside the stairs for at least five hours. He was pretty glad to be out, and doesn't seem to hold a grudge about the misadventure. (via Digg)
Tweet of the Day
i ask my toddler what's in the box she's holding. "chaos!" she replies. "chaos! chaos!" i know she's trying to say "crayons," but it's not like she's wrong.— rachelle mandik (@rachelle_mandik) January 9, 2018
(via Buzzfeed)
Wednesday, January 24, 2018
The Making of The Shape of Water
Here we have a look into the visual effects of the Guillermo del Toro film The Shape of Water. There's no explanation, just a peek at the layers of awesome digital water, which is a real breakthrough for filmmakers. Oh yeah, and the creature that reminds one of the Black Lagoon. The downside is that after watching this, I feel as if I've seen the entire movie and there's no need to sit down for the feature length version. In other words, this is full of spoilers. The Shape of Water was nominated for 13 Academy Awards. (via Mental Floss)
How to NOT Sexually Harass Someone
For men who are completely confused by women who do not want to be treated as sexual objects at work, Rachel Parris explains what sexual harassment is and is not on the new satirical show The Mash Report. Although this was on British TV, it might be NSFW by American standards. While there is nothing graphic, the humor is adult-oriented. That said, it is delightfully funny and cutting at the same time. The way you treat women is not a minefield to negotiate -it's just common sense. (via Buzzfeed)
How They Say "Cheers!" in 70 Countries
There are few places around the world without a tradition of group drinking. The English "Cheers!" is a shortcut, a one-word toast. The same thing is done in many other countries in many other languages, although there are some variations on the tradition. You might notice that Russia has several such toasts. And some places that don't use a one-word toast still practice group drinking, so they've appropriated "Cheers!" I learned about the Chinese "Gan Bei" about 40 years ago. My boss told me it meant "Bottoms up!" implying that the glass should be drained. You should not assume that in the other languages. It's not a bad idea to ask about drinking etiquette in places you aren't familiar with. (via Laughing Squid)
Miss Cellania's Links
Strange Biology Questions. It takes real imagination -or possibly marijuana- to come up with your dissertation project.
How the president's immigration policy evolved from idiot symbols to lazy viciousness.
Rian Johnson Explains Why the Reveal of Rey’s Parents Was Crucial. Oh yeah, this is about Star Wars.
When Barbie Went to War with Bratz. How a legal battle over intellectual property exposed a cultural battle over sex, gender roles, and the workplace.
Facebook Just Created Its Own Unit of Time. The "flick" is very short, but divides nicely into different video frame rates.
How Well Do You Know World Geography? Take a quiz from the Department of Geography at Ghent University in Belgium and help them study the effects of map distortion. (via Metafilter)
5 Surreal Realities Black Children Face. All are easy to ignore or downplay ...if you're white.
Putting Ancient Recipes on the Plate. Baking a a panis quadratus from a 2000-year-old recipe takes study, experimentation, and guesswork.
The Fraught History Of America’s Most Pervasive Brand. Images of Native Americans are still used to sell anything and everything.
How Do They Train Drug Sniffing Dogs? A precise procedure gives us pooches that can find anything.
How the president's immigration policy evolved from idiot symbols to lazy viciousness.
Rian Johnson Explains Why the Reveal of Rey’s Parents Was Crucial. Oh yeah, this is about Star Wars.
When Barbie Went to War with Bratz. How a legal battle over intellectual property exposed a cultural battle over sex, gender roles, and the workplace.
Facebook Just Created Its Own Unit of Time. The "flick" is very short, but divides nicely into different video frame rates.
How Well Do You Know World Geography? Take a quiz from the Department of Geography at Ghent University in Belgium and help them study the effects of map distortion. (via Metafilter)
5 Surreal Realities Black Children Face. All are easy to ignore or downplay ...if you're white.
Putting Ancient Recipes on the Plate. Baking a a panis quadratus from a 2000-year-old recipe takes study, experimentation, and guesswork.
The Fraught History Of America’s Most Pervasive Brand. Images of Native Americans are still used to sell anything and everything.
How Do They Train Drug Sniffing Dogs? A precise procedure gives us pooches that can find anything.
Tweet of the Day
Me: I'm glad I got married. Everyone needs a sidekick.— James Breakwell (@XplodingUnicorn) March 22, 2017
Wife: Good point, Robin.
(via Buzzfeed)
Tuesday, January 23, 2018
A Lesson in Fire Safety
Lesson number one: don't do this. Here we have an illustration of the immaturity of teenage boys, possibly influenced by the action movies they've seen and stunts performed by professionals with a staff ready for any contingency. These guys have an idea, but no contingency plan and little foresight. The second part is a lesson in what not to do when you are on fire. Of course he wants his pants off, but the procedure is stop, drop, and roll, which works better when you're not soaked in gasoline. An alternate method is to smother the fire with a blanket or something. They didn't have a blanket, but his buddy eventually did the only thing he could, and smothered the fire with his body. This happened quite a few years ago, so we are pretty sure they are okay. (via reddit)
An Honest Trailer for Get Out
Jordan Peele's horror film Get Out was nominated for four Academy Awards today: Best Picture, Best Original Screenplay, Best Director, and Best Actor for Daniel Kaluuya. Coincidentally, Screen Junkies had the Honest Trailer ready to go. Maybe they knew something, like how the movie deserves the nominations. They don't so much denigrate the film, but celebrate it for the strange story it is.
Miss Cellania's Links
Silver Medal Shocker. The story of the notorious US-USSR gold medal basketball game at the 1972 Olympics.
Maybe Men Will Be Scared for a While. But maybe to fear women is to begin seeing them as people.
When Artificial Intelligence Gets into Birding. After studying a list of 32000 existing bird names, a neural network comes up more more -and they're glorious. (via Metafilter)
If You Find Aliens, Who Do You Call? Various officials reveal how they pass the buck on such calls.
The 20 Most Important Pop Culture Moments of the Last Ten Years.
Meet the Murderous Viking Princess Who Brought the Faith to Eastern Europe. Game of Thrones could learn a thing or two from Saint Olga.
Star Wars and the Strategic Use of Chasms. No real spaceship or space station will ever have that much elbow room.
The Story of Hyperchess, a 3D Chess Game Inspired by Star Trek. Max Chappell worked for twenty years to get it right.
In the 16th century, Dutch Renaissance artist Pieter Bruegel the Elder painted a village scene filled with people doing nonsensical things. Netherlandish Proverbs illustrates over a hundred old Dutch proverbs. (via Strange Company)
The Slash: The 20-Foot Clearing That Stretches 5,525 Miles Across World's Longest Border. You can see it in satellite images. (via Digg)
Maybe Men Will Be Scared for a While. But maybe to fear women is to begin seeing them as people.
When Artificial Intelligence Gets into Birding. After studying a list of 32000 existing bird names, a neural network comes up more more -and they're glorious. (via Metafilter)
If You Find Aliens, Who Do You Call? Various officials reveal how they pass the buck on such calls.
The 20 Most Important Pop Culture Moments of the Last Ten Years.
Meet the Murderous Viking Princess Who Brought the Faith to Eastern Europe. Game of Thrones could learn a thing or two from Saint Olga.
Star Wars and the Strategic Use of Chasms. No real spaceship or space station will ever have that much elbow room.
The Story of Hyperchess, a 3D Chess Game Inspired by Star Trek. Max Chappell worked for twenty years to get it right.
In the 16th century, Dutch Renaissance artist Pieter Bruegel the Elder painted a village scene filled with people doing nonsensical things. Netherlandish Proverbs illustrates over a hundred old Dutch proverbs. (via Strange Company)
The Slash: The 20-Foot Clearing That Stretches 5,525 Miles Across World's Longest Border. You can see it in satellite images. (via Digg)
Mantis Squad
What's going on with these mantises? Are they about to fight? Are they posing for a picture? Are they even alive? Yes, they are alive, but it appears to be a kind of stand-off, where they are bluffing each other, waiting and even daring one of them to make the first move.
Turns out they are in their fighting stance in reaction to the camera. They sure are pretty, for a bunch of bugs. Adrian Kozakiewicz of InsecthausTV has plenty more videos that delve into the mysterious world of insect behavior. (via Boing Boing)
Tweet of the Day
Carrie would be SO proud! Resist. Register. VOTE! 👊#WomensMarch2018 #MyReSIStanceSISters pic.twitter.com/1RxywiY0rd— @HamillHimself (@HamillHimself) January 21, 2018
Monday, January 22, 2018
Quentin Tarantino's Star Trek: Voyage to Vengeance
If Quentin Tarantino directed the next Star Trek feature film, it would be the weirdest, bloodiest, most intense Star Trek ever! Luckily, we have some footage that fits the bill in this trailer. This is not for children. Nerdist presents a vision of Kirk, Spock, Scotty, Bones, and the rest of the crew in a grindhouse B-movie you can't wait to see. (via Digg)
Snowboarders Try to Use a T-Bar
If you're used to a regular skilift, trying to get up a snowy mountain with a T-bar is challenging. It's even harder on a snowboard. But when you are an inexperienced snowboarder, it's almost impossible. These guys are out on their first snowboarding expedition at Nevis Range Mountain Experience in Torlundy, Scotland. On the one hand, it's nice to find out how incompetent you are before you get to the top of the mountain. On the other hand, you're now stuck in viral video with the videographer laughing at you, leading the internet audience to do the same. (via Tastefully Offensive)
This video was presented as "bro's night out," which makes it seem like a silly game, but watch and listen. These guys are making serious music! Well, maybe not 'serious' music, it's the theme from Knight Rider followed by the theme from The Flintstones, but they do it well.
They are playing musical instruments called boomwhackers, or tubes that are tuned to a musical pitch to be played like bells. The group is Louie's Cage Percussion, made up of classically-trained musicians from Austria.
Named after the Monkey King Louie and the composer John Cage, this percussion group consists of six talented young musicians in their twenties. They are some of the youngest members of renowned Austrian orchestras including the Vienna Volksoper, the Lower Austria Tonkuenstler Orchestra and the Graz Opera and play all repertoires of classical music. Besides their studies of classical music, they have always been interested in jazz, rock and electronic music and have played in various bands and broadened their knowledge of various musical genres.You can get an idea of how boomwhackers work from an extended cut of one of their practice sessions. Now watch a stage performance from Louie's Cage Percussion.
(via reddit)
Miss Cellania's Links
The Ford Model K? In the early days, Ford gave us plenty of cars besides the Model T.
45 Clever Signs From The 2018 Women's March.
The Y Chromosome Is Slowly Disappearing. At this rate, the male sex has only a few million years left.
Why Brigham Young University Had a Secret Cola Vending Machine. The Mormon prohibition against certain drinks leaves a lot of room for interpretation.
How Your Worst Fears Stack Up Against Reality. Select your top three fears, and the app will explain what your odds of dying from each one are.
London, 1682 vs. Today. The Morgan Map has been overlaid with aerial views of the modern city for comparison purposes.
A Roundup Of The Strangest Moments Of Trump's First Year In Office.
The Boy Who Stayed Awake for 11 Days. A science fair project led to a world record that still stands.
When Nixon Said “Sock it To Me” on Laugh-In. His 1968 appearance opened the door for presidents on entertainment shows.
Jason Windsor finally gives us a sequel to his classic 2003 video “End of Ze World.” With NSFW language.
45 Clever Signs From The 2018 Women's March.
The Y Chromosome Is Slowly Disappearing. At this rate, the male sex has only a few million years left.
Why Brigham Young University Had a Secret Cola Vending Machine. The Mormon prohibition against certain drinks leaves a lot of room for interpretation.
How Your Worst Fears Stack Up Against Reality. Select your top three fears, and the app will explain what your odds of dying from each one are.
London, 1682 vs. Today. The Morgan Map has been overlaid with aerial views of the modern city for comparison purposes.
A Roundup Of The Strangest Moments Of Trump's First Year In Office.
The Boy Who Stayed Awake for 11 Days. A science fair project led to a world record that still stands.
When Nixon Said “Sock it To Me” on Laugh-In. His 1968 appearance opened the door for presidents on entertainment shows.
Jason Windsor finally gives us a sequel to his classic 2003 video “End of Ze World.” With NSFW language.
A Mother’s Promise: You Can Be Yourself
Laurin is raising Danny, the only thing she has left of her husband, and she can't know what he'd say in any situation concerning him. This is from the New York Times, where you can see five other stories about becoming a mother that are just as gripping. (via Digg)
Sunday, January 21, 2018
Are You a Millennial?
Millennials don't want to be lumped into a group. And they don't want to be labeled -or do they? These folks don't hesitate to tell you how they are special and different, and they'll take a label as long as they get to choose it -and as long as it isn't Millennial. Not wanting to be seen as a Millennial is the most Millennial thing there is. I can't really blame them. Generations weren't as labeled and pigeonholed when we Boomers were young and lumped together. (via Tastefully Offensive)
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