How 'The Phone Stack' is civilizing dinners out with friends. Try this out and be amazed at the uninterrupted conversations that follow.
It’s beautiful, it’s intelligent … it’s slime. And slime molds might be the stuff of your nightmares.
Golden parachutes are getting bigger. Fired business executives get severance packages that set them up for life, even if they did a lousy job.
Homeland Security may be keeping an eye on your Facebook page. They routinely check social media sites and blogs, too, as part of its “Social Networking/Media Capability.”
This Chinese Women’s Volleyball Rally Might Be the Most Insane Thing You’ll Watch in Sports Today. They had to be exhausted afterwards, since it made me tired just watching.
Lucy the Yorkshire Terrier holds the record for the world's smallest working dog. The 2.5 pound therapy dog is adorable, which is hard work in itself.
The 7 Creepiest Abandoned Japanese Love Hotels. Apparently charging by the hour didn't cover expenses for these places.
The Supreme Court is hearing arguments about allowing swear words on network TV. Broadcast networks say they need the freedom to compete with cable channels, even though the networks own those cable channels.
New Uses for 5 Old Pests. If we can recycle invasive species, we can do anything!
What Rick Santorum Doesn’t Know About Sex.
Three-legged Puppy. It's a translation of the Brazilian comic MenTirinhas http://mentirinhas.com.br/ by Fábio Coala. (via reddit)
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