Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Miss Cellania's Links

Don't Believe Everything You Hear.

50 Nicolas Cage Facts for the 50th Birthday of This National Treasure. I had forgotten he used to be Elvis Presley's son-in-law.

Secrets Of Snow-Diving Foxes.

pls pet doge

Transformed Into White Gods: What Happens in America Without Love. David Byunghyun Lee's essay about growing up as a Korean-American.

4 Things I Learned from the Worst Online Dating Profile Ever. (via Neatorama)

69 of the A.V. Club's most anticipated pop culture of 2014. Movies, TV shows, albums, and video games we can all look forward to.

The Taekwondo Kid.

A common stunt in super cold weather is to throw boiling water in the air and watch it quickly freeze. Be careful -too many people have ended up burning themselves.

If you're suffering through a deep-freeze in your area, it might help to know others deal with this sort of thing all the time. Read about The Coldest Places on Earth.

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