Friday, May 31, 2024

Your Anthroponym Can Pinpoint Your Age

Everyone has an anthroponym, but that's okay. It's just a big word for your name. They come and go out of style. I recall hearing about someone naming their baby Layla around 1971 and even then I felt for the child, because she'd never be able to hide her age. The same for Shania and Daenerys. Silly me, although my name is not that common, even I have a name that came and went and only belongs to women my age (people just don't name their daughters "Miss" anymore). Dr. Erica Brozovsky explains why names become fashionable and then not. But hey, in 100 years or so, your anthroponym may come back into style! I personally know a family with a newborn named Mabel, and it seems perfect for her. 


MarkOfIowa said...

I think your first name fits you perfectly- With the last name of Cellania, what else could they name you?

My late sister was born in 1959, and had your same name. We called her Missie ;-)

Hope you have a great weekend, and early Happy June!


Anonymous said...

Better to be a Miss than get hit.
Hey, you started it. ;o)

WilliamRocket said...

Miss ?

I guess they were hoping for a boy !

That might explain a whole lot of your behaviour.

WilliamRocket said...

My daughter's name is Jolene, guess how old she is.

Miss Cellania said...

Let's see, the song charted in 73, 76, 04, 16, and 24. I don't think you have an infant, so I guess your daughter is turning either 51, 48, 20, or 8 this year.