Friday, May 24, 2024

Miss Cellania's Links

The Best Years of Your Sex Life. Aging need not be a sexual deterrent; it can be an enrichment.  (via Real Clear Science)

Keith Haring Painted This Mural on the Wall of an Iowa Elementary School Library. 

Magnificent Church for Sale in St. Louis.

Massachusetts has a new Millionaires tax. Revenue reaches $1.8 billion, on pace to double estimates. (via Kottke)

The real reason it costs so much to go to a concert. Scalpers, yes, but it's more than that.

Alaska's rusting waters: Pristine rivers and streams turning orange.

“Our job is to think of the well-being of those coming behind us,” Cladusbid said. “It’s not to die with the most coffee beans. It’s to share my coffee.” (via Fark)

Eight Free Things That Are Shockingly Good.


gwdMaine said...

The best things in life are free. As long as you can run fast.

Happy Friday Miss C!

Miss Cellania said...

Happy Friday, gwdMaine!

WilliamRocket said...

That spite house ... 10 feets is 3 metres, I think, so good job with the layout ... but I would have gone 3 storys tall ... oppositional defiance !

Spite house ! Here in New Zealand we used to have Leed lemonade, it came in a green glass bottle at first (thirst) with dimples on the body of the bottle.

Later on, in 1981 I think, they went to plastic bottles, clear with green labels.

Then around 1984 they changed the name to Sprite, due to some multi national company exerting dominance or something.

I think Leed was available in Australia, New Zealand and Great Britain only, and of course Sprite is available globally .. maybe only in first world countries.

Took a while to mention the connection with spite houses, hey ? and it was very tenuous.

Sprite is no more I think, but maybe my tastes have changed so much I just don't see it.

I'd buy it if it was still called Leed and was in a green glass bottle with dimples.

I guess in 3 metres you could have two wall thicknesses of 120mm, a 2.0m long bed AND a wardrobe, but that only leaves maybe 500mm (millimetres) for the walk past ... about one and a half foots.

If you look up sprite (I did so in Duck Duck Go) the 'side bar' has Sprite the drink, and under the flavours, it lists, cranberry, cherry, grape, orange, tropical, ginger, and vanilla. Ice, peach.

Ice, Ice, Baby.

Look it up ... no pressure.

Anonymous said...

MA has a state income tax on earnings of more than something like $600. Now they have an additional tax on earnings over $1 million. This new tax in producing $1.8 Billion in revenue. I wonder how many of the 7 million residents are paying this new tax?

The Spectrum in Philly or Tower in Upper Darby, Bowie, Zeppelin, Floyd, Mac, Eagles, Aerosmith, etc... under $10.
sigh Those were the days, my friend...

The rusty water will likely become more common as the permafrost melts.

“It’s not to die with the most coffee beans. It’s to share my coffee.”
When you have extra build a longer table not a higher fence.
