Monday, September 16, 2024

Miss Cellania's Links

How to See a Stunning Supermoon and Partial Lunar Eclipse on Tuesday.

The Winners of the Ocean Photographer of the Year Awards 2024.

What's the significance of a hand pulling an ear?

The 365 Most Famous Quotes of All Time. (via Kottke)

Scrambled Maps is an addictive game. Every day you'll find a different city grid and your mission is to put the blocks in the right order.

Kamala Harris Struggling To Button Pantsuit After Month Of Hanging Out With Tim Walz.

Don’t Take Advice From a Habsburg. Eduard Habsburg (who we met earlier), with the help of his royal ancestors, wants to fix your marriage, your soul, and your politics. (via Strange Company)

Canada's Little-Known Imperial Ambitions.

The Flickering Portal to a Forgotten World of Personal Screens. Remembering the Kinetoscope and the Mutoscope.


Lilylou said...

About pulling the ear: I remember pulling my earlobe and leaning to the side to allow water (or air pressure) to leave my inner ear, thereby helping me hear better or relieve the tension of the air pressure.

gwdMaine said...

Three of my favorite quotes on politics:

Representative Democracy Is messy, relying on inept politicians currying favor with special interests to convince clueless citizens to support untenable solutions to imaginary problems. -- Al Diamon (local columnist)

In geopolitical terms, peace on Earth does not come from diplomatic goodwill toward tyrannical men. -- Cal Thomas

The only known cure for presidential ambition is embalming fluid. - Sen. John McCain