Monday, September 23, 2024

DIY Project Goes A Little Overboard

Went a little overboard with her creation.
byu/Ayato_jin inDiWHY

 Isn't it cool when you can take natural ingredients from the wild and make something useful? I assure you there is no point in this video where you know what's going to happen next. The reactions to this project at reddit fall into two categories. Watch the video first and then and then continue reading and we'll discuss how you feel on the next page.

Does this video make you angry? You may be ready to cry out how fake this whole project is, and stupid besides. Are you ready to point out all the errors that label this as fake? You could be listing those for hours, and yet you are mad that you wasted three minutes watching it. And then you will point out the many inconsistencies in logic that make the whole project just dumb.

Does this video make you laugh? Do you admire the sheer stupidity of it all, and the massive effort that went into that stupidity? Maybe you just admire the brilliant commitment to parody and wonder at the many folks who will either swallow it whole or become angry when they realize it's faked. It's a genius project of performance art, with all the errors deliberately highlighted, disguised as ragebait but bringing the comedy with the useless steps and the sudden unexpected shifts in direction.

I just wish I knew who the artist is.



Anonymous said...

My daughter has been watching Halloween crafting videos for days now, so I'm laughing and crying as I see this.

Anonymous said...

I'm impressed with the creativity.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I definitely fall into Reaction #2 -- laughing! Why would anyone get angry about it? It's her time and her life -- if that's how she wants to spend it, who cares? Just relax and enjoy the whimsy of her efforts!

Naomi said...
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Naomi said...

I love love love it! I was hoping there would be a scream when the bag opened & there was & it's perfect!